[Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan assessment atas tingkat maturity staffing quality assurance sesuai dengan standar IIA 1300 dan kemudian memberikan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan maturity level staffing quality
assurance menjadi tingkat yang dapat diterima (acceptable). Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bersifat exploratory kualitatif dengan menggunakan perangkat kuesioner dan dokumen-dokumen pendukung sebagai alat bantu penelitian. Tingkat maturity PT X (Persero), Tbk berada pada tingkat 2 dan 3 people management, IA-CM Model untuk sektor publik dan juga dengan mempertimbangkan penilaian dari pihak internal lainya yaitu komite audit dan manajemen, namun perlu ada perbaikan untuk menyempurnakan tingkat tersebut minimal memenuhi batas minimum penilaian yang ditetapkan.
The purpose of this research is to assess the level of maturty staffing quality assurance in accordance with standard IIA 1300 and then provide recommendations to improve the maturity level of staffing quality assurance to becomes an acceptable level. This research is a qualitative exploratory research that is using the questionnaire and supporting documents as a tools for research. Level of maturity PT X (Persero), Tbk is at level 2 and 3, people management, IA-CM Model for the public sector and by considering the assessment of other parties that is audit committee and management, but there should be an improvements to refine this level at least meet the minimum set of assessment.;The purpose of this research is to assess the level of maturty staffing qualityassurance in accordance with standard IIA 1300 and then providerecommendations to improve the maturity level of staffing quality assurance tobecomes an acceptable level. This research is a qualitative exploratory researchthat is using the questionnaire and supporting documents as a tools for research.Level of maturity PT X (Persero), Tbk is at level 2 and 3, people management,IA-CM Model for the public sector and by considering the assessment of otherparties that is audit committee and management, but there should be animprovements to refine this level at least meet the minimum set of assessment, The purpose of this research is to assess the level of maturty staffing qualityassurance in accordance with standard IIA 1300 and then providerecommendations to improve the maturity level of staffing quality assurance tobecomes an acceptable level. This research is a qualitative exploratory researchthat is using the questionnaire and supporting documents as a tools for research.Level of maturity PT X (Persero), Tbk is at level 2 and 3, people management,IA-CM Model for the public sector and by considering the assessment of otherparties that is audit committee and management, but there should be animprovements to refine this level at least meet the minimum set of assessment]