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UI - Tesis Membership :: Kembali

Uji antihipertensi campuran ekstrak etanol herba seledri apium graveolens l dan daun tempuyung sonchus arvensis l sebelum dan sesudah purifikasi = The antihypertension test of aethanolic extract of celery herb apium graveolens l and sonchi leaves mixture before an after purification

Ike Yulia Wiendarlina; Effionora Anwar, supervisor; Mahdi Jufri, supervisor; Silvia Surini, examiner; Joshita Djajadisastra, examiner; Arry Yanuar, examiner ([Publisher not identified] , 2015)


Tanaman seledri sudah lama dikenal sebagai obat tradisional yang dipercaya dapat menurunkan tekanan darah di masyarakat Indonesia demikian pula halnya dengan kumis kucing Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antihipertensi dari kombinasi ekstrak herba seledri EHS dan ekstrak daun temuyung EDT sebelum dan sesudah purifikasi 32 ekor tikus jantan galur Sprague Dawley dibagi menjadi 8 yaitu Kelompok 1 sebagai kontrol normal larutan CMC 0 5 kelompok 2 sebagai kontrol induksi larutan NaCl 2 kelompok 3 20 mg EHB dan 150 mg EDT kelompok 4 36 mg EHS dan 206 mg EDT kelompok 5 45 mg EHS dan 250 mg EDT kelompok 6 purifikasi kelompok 4 kelompok 7 purifikasi kelompok 5 kelompok 8 sebagai herbal pembanding 141 mg Tensigard Parameter yang diukur adalah berat badan volume urin tekanan darah sistolik arteri dan diastolik tikus Tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh antara campuran ekstrak etanol herba seledri Apium graveolens L dan daun tempuyung Sonchus arvensis L sebelum dan setelah purifikasi terhadap bobot badan dan eksresi urin akan tetapi ada perbedaan pengaruh aktivitas antihipertensi campuran ekstrak etanol herba seledri Apium graveolens L dan daun tempuyung Sonchus arvensis L sebelum dan setelah purifikasi akan dan Kelompok 3 memiliki efek paling besar terhadap penurunan tekanan darah sistolik dan arteri dengan potensi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan Tensigard akan tetapi Kelompok 4 dan 5 memiliki pengaruh yang sama dengan Tensigard dan diperkirakan memiliki mekanisme kerja yang sama dengan Tensigard.

Celery herbs Apium graveolens L and Sonchi folium Sonchus arvensis L were used as antihypertension herbal medicinal for long time ago Comparison of antihypertension activity from the mixture extract before and after purification has been done used eight groups of Sprague Dawley strain mail rats each group containing four rats Group 1 as normal control were given 0 5 CMC solution group 2 were given 2 NaCl solution group 3 0 02 g of celery herbs extract and 0 15 g of sonchi folium extract group 4 0 036 g of celery herbs extract and 0 206 g of sonchi folium extract group 5 0 045 g of celery herbs extract and 0 25 g of sonchi folium extract group 6 group 4 after purification group 7 group 5 after purification and group 8 as the comparison 0 141 g of Tensigard The mixture of extract were given on 15th until 30th The parameter are urine excretion and the blood pressure of rats including arteri systolic and diastolic The result showed group 3 has a higher effect to decrease systolic blood pressure and artery with higher potential than Tensigard but group 4 and 5 has same effect with Tensigard and estimated that group 4 and 5 has same mechanism with Tensigard ;Celery herbs Apium graveolens L and Sonchi folium Sonchus arvensis L were used as antihypertension herbal medicinal for long time ago Comparison of antihypertension activity from the mixture extract before and after purification has been done used eight groups of Sprague Dawley strain mail rats each group containing four rats Group 1 as normal control were given 0 5 CMC solution group 2 were given 2 NaCl solution group 3 0 02 g of celery herbs extract and 0 15 g of sonchi folium extract group 4 0 036 g of celery herbs extract and 0 206 g of sonchi folium extract group 5 0 045 g of celery herbs extract and 0 25 g of sonchi folium extract group 6 group 4 after purification group 7 group 5 after purification and group 8 as the comparison 0 141 g of Tensigard The mixture of extract were given on 15th until 30th The parameter are urine excretion and the blood pressure of rats including arteri systolic and diastolic The result showed group 3 has a higher effect to decrease systolic blood pressure and artery with higher potential than Tensigard but group 4 and 5 has same effect with Tensigard and estimated that group 4 and 5 has same mechanism with Tensigard , Celery herbs Apium graveolens L and Sonchi folium Sonchus arvensis L were used as antihypertension herbal medicinal for long time ago Comparison of antihypertension activity from the mixture extract before and after purification has been done used eight groups of Sprague Dawley strain mail rats each group containing four rats Group 1 as normal control were given 0 5 CMC solution group 2 were given 2 NaCl solution group 3 0 02 g of celery herbs extract and 0 15 g of sonchi folium extract group 4 0 036 g of celery herbs extract and 0 206 g of sonchi folium extract group 5 0 045 g of celery herbs extract and 0 25 g of sonchi folium extract group 6 group 4 after purification group 7 group 5 after purification and group 8 as the comparison 0 141 g of Tensigard The mixture of extract were given on 15th until 30th The parameter are urine excretion and the blood pressure of rats including arteri systolic and diastolic The result showed group 3 has a higher effect to decrease systolic blood pressure and artery with higher potential than Tensigard but group 4 and 5 has same effect with Tensigard and estimated that group 4 and 5 has same mechanism with Tensigard ]

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tesis Membership
No. Panggil : T-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: [Publisher not identified], 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer ;
Tipe Carrier : online resource ;
Deskripsi Fisik : xix, 120 pages : illustration ; 28 cm. + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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T-Pdf 15-18-615731935 TERSEDIA
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