ABSTRAKIkan cakalang merupakan salah satu sumberdaya ikan pelagis bernilai
ekonomis yang didaratkan di PPN Palabuhanratu. Penelitian bertujuan
mengetahui aspek biologi, status keberlanjutan pengelolaan, dan menyusun model
dan strategi pengembangan pengelolaan secara berkelanjutan. Metode
pengambilan sampel ikan cakalang secara acak terhadap kapal pancing tonda yang
mendarat di PPN Palabuhanratu. Sedangkan untuk analisis status keberlanjutan
menggunakan Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), dan untuk menyusun
prioritas strategi menggunakan metode Proses Hirarki Analitik (AHP).
Aspek biologi menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan bersifat allometrik negatif.
Nisbah kelamin menunjukkan bahwa ikan betina lebih banyak dari pada ikan
jantan. Ikan cakalang yang tertangkap kebanyakan pada TKG III sebesar 42%,
dimana telah mengalami pemijahan. Hasil analisis potensial lestari (MSY) sebesar
741.039 kg/tahun, fmsy = 1.392 unit dan CPUEopt adalah 532.050 kg/unit;
Status keberlanjutan pengelolaan perikanan tangkap ikan cakalang di PPN
Palabuhanratu secara multidimensi dalam kondisi kurang berkelanjutan (nilai
indeks 46,19). Strategi yang perlu dilakukan berdasarkan skala prioritas adalah 1)
Pengaturan alat bantu penangkapan ikan, 2) Penentuan selektivitas alat
penangkapan ikan, 3) Pembatasan upaya penangkapan ikan, 4) Peningkatan
kualitas SDM, 5) Pengaturan perubahan target tangkapan sementara sesuai
musim, 6) Pengelolaan hasil tangkapan sampingan (by catch), 7) Peningkatan
pengawasan penangkapan ikan, 8) Pengembangan alat penangkapan ikan yang
ramah lingkungan, 9) Meningkatkan nilai GDP, 10) Pengaturan kepemilikan
sumberdaya, 11) Kebijakan dalam pengelolaan perikanan mempertimbangkan
kearifan lokal nelayan setempat, 12) Meningkatkan Peran Sektor Perikanan, dan
13) Status konflik.
ABSTRACTSkipjack tuna is one of the major pelagic fish resources which has economicvalue that landed on PPN Palabuhanratu. The research aims to determine thebiological aspects, determine the status management of sustainability, and modeland strategy of sustainability development management. Sampling methods israndomly collect the skipjacks tuna on the trolling ship that landed in PPNPalabuanratu. Moreover, in the purpose of analysis of sustainability status is usingRapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), to arrange the strategic priorities isusing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).Biological aspects show allometric growth pattern is negative. Sex ratioshowed that female fish are more than the male fish. Tuna were caught mostly onTKG III by 42%, which has undergone spawning. The results of the analysis ofthe sustainable potential (MSY) is 741.039 kg/year, fmsy = 1.392 units andCPUEopt is 532.050 kg/unit.The status of sustainability management in multidimension point of view,skipjack tuna fisheries activities in PPN Palabuhanratu is less sustainablecondition (index value of 46.19). The strategies that need to do based on priorityscale are: 1) setting up the fishing tools, 2) Determination of the selectivity offishing tools, 3) Restriction of fishing activities, 4) improving the quality ofhuman resources, 5) Settip up the changes of temporary target catch according toseason, 6) Management of side catches value (by catch), 7) Improving monitoringof fishing, 8) Developing of fishing tools that are environmentally friendly, 9)Increase the value of GDP, 10) Admission of resource ownership, 11) Policy infisheries management that considering the value of local fishermes, 12) Increasethe Role of Fisheries Sector, and 13) Status of conflict, Skipjack tuna is one of the major pelagic fish resources which has economicvalue that landed on PPN Palabuhanratu. The research aims to determine thebiological aspects, determine the status management of sustainability, and modeland strategy of sustainability development management. Sampling methods israndomly collect the skipjacks tuna on the trolling ship that landed in PPNPalabuanratu. Moreover, in the purpose of analysis of sustainability status is usingRapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH), to arrange the strategic priorities isusing Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).Biological aspects show allometric growth pattern is negative. Sex ratioshowed that female fish are more than the male fish. Tuna were caught mostly onTKG III by 42%, which has undergone spawning. The results of the analysis ofthe sustainable potential (MSY) is 741.039 kg/year, fmsy = 1.392 units andCPUEopt is 532.050 kg/unit.The status of sustainability management in multidimension point of view,skipjack tuna fisheries activities in PPN Palabuhanratu is less sustainablecondition (index value of 46.19). The strategies that need to do based on priorityscale are: 1) setting up the fishing tools, 2) Determination of the selectivity offishing tools, 3) Restriction of fishing activities, 4) improving the quality ofhuman resources, 5) Settip up the changes of temporary target catch according toseason, 6) Management of side catches value (by catch), 7) Improving monitoringof fishing, 8) Developing of fishing tools that are environmentally friendly, 9)Increase the value of GDP, 10) Admission of resource ownership, 11) Policy infisheries management that considering the value of local fishermes, 12) Increasethe Role of Fisheries Sector, and 13) Status of conflict]