ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak dari desentralisasi
fiskal dan pembentukan Tim Pemantauan dan Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID)
terhadap inflasi regional di Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2008-2013. Variabelvariabel
yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat inflasi, rasio
pengeluaran dan rasio otonomi pendapatan sebagai proxy desentralisasi fiskal,
keberadaan TPID, produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB), kondisi infrastruktur,
populasi, dan inflasi bahan makanan regional. Data yang digunakan dihimpun dari
65 kota yang dianggap sebagai kontributor inflasi nasional. Hasil penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa rasio pengeluaran sebagai salah satu indikator desentralisasi
fiskal memiliki hubungan negatif dengan tingkat inflasi daerah, sedangkan rasio
otonomi pendapatan daerah dan keberadaan TPID pada tingkat kabupaten/kota
tidak memberikan dampak signifikan terhadap volatilitas inflasi regional di daerah.
ABSTRACTThis study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in
regions.;This study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in
regions., This study aims to examine the impact of the fiscal decentralization and Regional
Inflation Task Force (RITF) on regional inflation rate in 65 cities in Indonesia for
2008-2013 period. The results of the paper shows that expenditure ratio as an
indicator of fiscal decentralization has a negative relationship with regional
inflation rate, while regional revenue autonomy ratio and the existence of RITF in
regions do not bring any significant impact to the volatility of inflation rate in