ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas tentang konsumsi simbolis yang dilakukan oleh kelas menengah
dalam pemilikan rumah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif untuk
menjelaskan bagaimana kelas menengah memaknai kelas sosial mereka melalui
pemilikan rumah. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi dengan subjek
penelitian penghuni Greenland Forest Park Residence. Penelitian dilakukan sejak
bulan April hingga Juli 2015. Penelitian ini berangkat dari argumen Gerke (2000)
yang menjelaskan tentang lifestyling atau konsumsi simbolis kelas menengah
Indonesia. Pada saat itu, konsumsi simbolis dilakukan karena mereka tidak mampu
melakukan konsumsi riil untuk menandai kelas sosialnya. Berdasarkan penelitian
yang dilakukan dalam tesis ini, kelas menengah (penghuni Greenland Residence) juga
melakukan konsumsi riil dan konsumsi simbolis untuk menandai kelas sosialnya. Hal
ini terlihat dari konsumsi rumah.
ABSTRACTThe thesis study about symbolic consumption of middle class in homeownership. Thequalitative approach is choosen because the purpose of study is to explain howmiddle class give a meaning to their dwelling. Observation and depth interview usedas strategies of inquairy. Dweller of Greenland Forest Park Residence is the subjectof inquiry. Research was conducted from April to July 2015. Gerke (2002) explainedthat lifestyling was Indonesian middle class strategy to show their social class withoutreal consumption. Based on the research homeownership show two aspects of middleclass (Greenland dweller) consumption. It reveals real and symbolic consumption atthe same time demonstrating their social class., The thesis study about symbolic consumption of middle class in homeownership. Thequalitative approach is choosen because the purpose of study is to explain howmiddle class give a meaning to their dwelling. Observation and depth interview usedas strategies of inquairy. Dweller of Greenland Forest Park Residence is the subjectof inquiry. Research was conducted from April to July 2015. Gerke (2002) explainedthat lifestyling was Indonesian middle class strategy to show their social class withoutreal consumption. Based on the research homeownership show two aspects of middleclass (Greenland dweller) consumption. It reveals real and symbolic consumption atthe same time demonstrating their social class.]