ABSTRAKDalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini terjadi krisis energi. Terjadi peningkatan
penggunaan batubara secara besar-besaran beberapa tahun terakhir ini.
Dibutuhkan bahan bakar alternatif pada unit pembangkit tenaga listrik. Dalam
studi ini dilakukan untuk mengoptimalisasikan bahan sisa atau biasa disebut
dengan biomassa menjadi bahan yang berguna untuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Data
penggunaan biomassa di unit pembangkit tenaga listrik sudah banyak dilaporkan
oleh banyak peneliti dan praktisi. Tetapi datanya sangat terbatas. Dalam thesis ini
pengolahan biomassa akan menggunakan proses Hydrotermal Waste Treatment.
Sampel data diambil dari daerah DKI Jakarta untuk dijadikan percontohan
pembuatan pembangkit listrik tenaga uap berbahan bakar biomassa olahan.
Karakteristik penggabungan pembakaran hidrotermal pada Limbah Padat
Perkotaan dan batubara Indonesia sangat mempengaruhi pembakaran.
Pencampuran antara batubara dan limbah akan dicampur dengan tingkatan 10%,
20%, 30% dan 50% (dalam berat.%). Dari hasil pencampuran didapati bahwa
pada pencampuran limbah sebesar 20% dalam pengujian pengapian, karbon dan
burnout adalah pencampuran yang sangat optimal. Bahkan ada yang lebih baik
daripada campuran batubara Indonesia, yang menunjukkan kelayakan untuk
membantu mengurangi konsumsi batubara Indonesia dengan hidrotermal
menggunakan Limbah Padat Perkotaaan.
Dengan menggunakan teknologi pengkonversian energi, maka energi ini
dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan energi listrik dan limbah padat perkotaan
sebagai sumber bahan bakar utama dari PLTU.
ABSTRACTIn recent years the energy crisis occurs. There is an increased use of coal ona large scale last few years. It takes an alternative fuel in the power plant unit. Inthis study conducted to optimize the residue or commonly called biomass intouseful materials for everyday life. Data on the use of biomass in power generationunits has been widely reported by many researchers and practitioners. But the dataare very limited. In this thesis will use a biomass processing Hydrotermal WasteTreatment process. Samples of data taken from the Jakarta area to be used as apilot manufacturing of steam power plant of processed biomass fuel.Incorporation combustion characteristics of hydrothermal on Municipal SolidWaste and Indonesian coal greatly affect combustion. Mixing between coal andwaste will be mixed with a level of 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% (by weight.%).From the results of mixing was found that the mixing of waste by 20% in testingignition, carbon and burnout is a very optimal mixing. In fact, there is have betterthan the mix of Indonesian coal, which demonstrate the feasibility to helpIndonesia reduce coal consumption by hydrothermal using urban Solid Waste.By using energy conversion technologies, then this energy can be used togenerate electrical energy and municipal solid waste as a primary fuel source ofthe power plant., In recent years the energy crisis occurs. There is an increased use of coal ona large scale last few years. It takes an alternative fuel in the power plant unit. Inthis study conducted to optimize the residue or commonly called biomass intouseful materials for everyday life. Data on the use of biomass in power generationunits has been widely reported by many researchers and practitioners. But the dataare very limited. In this thesis will use a biomass processing Hydrotermal WasteTreatment process. Samples of data taken from the Jakarta area to be used as apilot manufacturing of steam power plant of processed biomass fuel.Incorporation combustion characteristics of hydrothermal on Municipal SolidWaste and Indonesian coal greatly affect combustion. Mixing between coal andwaste will be mixed with a level of 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% (by weight.%).From the results of mixing was found that the mixing of waste by 20% in testingignition, carbon and burnout is a very optimal mixing. In fact, there is have betterthan the mix of Indonesian coal, which demonstrate the feasibility to helpIndonesia reduce coal consumption by hydrothermal using urban Solid Waste.By using energy conversion technologies, then this energy can be used togenerate electrical energy and municipal solid waste as a primary fuel source ofthe power plant.]