ABSTRAKPengasuh kurang lebih bersama dengan anak selama 10 jam dalam satu hari
sehingga sosoknya menjadi sangat berpengaruh bagi perkembangan anak. Anak
membutuhkan pengasuh yang responsif dan berpikir cepat dalam melihat suatu
masalah yang umum muncul pada anak usia dini. Seringkali pengasuh menemui
kendala dalam menghadapi anak usia dini, salah satunya dalam mengatasi
masalah ketidakpatuhan yang umum meningkat pada usia 2-3 tahun. Untuk
membantu para pengasuh menghadapi masalah tersebut maka dibutuhkan
pelatihan. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dibahas bagaimana efektivitas pelatihan
yang diadaptasi dari Treatment Package for Child Non Compliance (TPCN)
dengan subjek 6 pengasuh usia 18-35 tahun yang mengasuh anak usia 2-3 tahun.
TPCN merupakan pelatihan yang melibatkan tiga strategi, antara lain effective
instruction delivery (EID), contingent praise (CP) dan time-in (TI). Dari hasil
observasi dan evaluasi dengan wilcoxon test sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan keterampilan pengasuh dalam
berinteraksi dengan anak usia 2-3 tahun ketika menghadapi masalah
ABSTRACTA nanny usually spends times with children for 10 hours per day, therefore theyhave a huge influence in the development of the child. Children need a nannywho is responsive and quick thinking in seeing any kind of problems thatcommonly occur in early childhood. However, they often encounter obstaclesespecially when facing the noncompliance problem, a problem that normallyemerges in child aged 2-3 years old. To help them face this problem, they needtraining. This study will discuss the effectiveness of a training that is adapted fromTreatment Package for Child Non Compliance (TPCN) which involves 6 nanniesfrom age 18-35 who care for children aged 2-3 years old. This training involvesthree strategies: effective instruction delivery (EID), contingent praise (CP), andtime-in (TI). The result from the observation and evaluation by Wilcoxon testbefore and after the training, showed that there was an increased caregiver skill ininteracting with children aged 2-3 years when facing with the non-complianceissues.;A nanny usually spends times with children for 10 hours per day, therefore theyhave a huge influence in the development of the child. Children need a nannywho is responsive and quick thinking in seeing any kind of problems thatcommonly occur in early childhood. However, they often encounter obstaclesespecially when facing the noncompliance problem, a problem that normallyemerges in child aged 2-3 years old. To help them face this problem, they needtraining. This study will discuss the effectiveness of a training that is adapted fromTreatment Package for Child Non Compliance (TPCN) which involves 6 nanniesfrom age 18-35 who care for children aged 2-3 years old. This training involvesthree strategies: effective instruction delivery (EID), contingent praise (CP), andtime-in (TI). The result from the observation and evaluation by Wilcoxon testbefore and after the training, showed that there was an increased caregiver skill ininteracting with children aged 2-3 years when facing with the non-complianceissues., A nanny usually spends times with children for 10 hours per day, therefore theyhave a huge influence in the development of the child. Children need a nannywho is responsive and quick thinking in seeing any kind of problems thatcommonly occur in early childhood. However, they often encounter obstaclesespecially when facing the noncompliance problem, a problem that normallyemerges in child aged 2-3 years old. To help them face this problem, they needtraining. This study will discuss the effectiveness of a training that is adapted fromTreatment Package for Child Non Compliance (TPCN) which involves 6 nanniesfrom age 18-35 who care for children aged 2-3 years old. This training involvesthree strategies: effective instruction delivery (EID), contingent praise (CP), andtime-in (TI). The result from the observation and evaluation by Wilcoxon testbefore and after the training, showed that there was an increased caregiver skill ininteracting with children aged 2-3 years when facing with the non-complianceissues.]