ABSTRAKDalam operasi migas di Indonesia, pemeliharaan merupakan faktor penting untuk
menjaga agar produktivitas kilang mencapai target yang diharapkan, hal ini dapat
dicapai apabila perusahaan sudah menerapkan manajemen pemeliharaan yang
baik dari perencanaan sampai penilaian kinerja. Disamping itu tujuan dari suatu
perusahaan dan proses produksi adalah kelangsungan operasi produksi sehingga
mencapai produktivitas yang tinggi. Produktivitas Kilang yang dicapai oleh PT. X
adalah sebesar 93%, hal ini disebabkan karena penghentian operasi tidak
terencana (unplanned shutdown) dan perencanaan yang kurang tepat. Kondisi
Manajemen Pemeliharaan di PT. X adalah dalam tahapan AVERAGE / Rata-Rata.
Dimana dalam praktiknya PT. X telah melakukan identifikasi dan penilaian
lengkap terhadap organisasi, menentukan potensi pengembangan,
mengembangkan strategi Peningkatan Keandalan serta mendapatkan komitmen
dari manajemen puncak untuk mengembangkan pemeliharaan ke arah prediktif.
Berdasarkan hasil analisa didapatkan bahwa dengan Manajemen Pemeliharaan
yang baik maka kerusakan dapat dieliminasi (eliminate breakdown) dan pekerjaan
terencana dapat dioptimasi (optimize planned) sehingga mendukung pencapaian
Produktivitas Kilang yang lebih tinggi. Sehingga Kinerja Pemeliharaan memiliki
pengaruh yang KUAT terhadap Produktifitas Kilang.
ABSTRACTIn the oil and gas operations in Indonesia, maintenance is an important factor tokeep the plant productivity reached the expected target, this can be achieved if thecompany is already implementing good maintenance management from planningto performance evaluation. Besides, the goal of an enterprise and the productionprocess is continuity of production operations so as to achieve high productivity.Planty productivity achieved by PT. X is at 93%, this was due to unplannedshutdowns and the lack of proper planning. Conditions of MaintenanceManagement in PT. X is in AVERAGE stage. Where in practice PT. X has alreadyidentify and complete assessment of the organization, determine the potential fordevelopment, develop strategies Improved Reliability and get a commitment fromtop management to develop towards predictive maintenance. Based on theanalysis found that the Maintenance Management is good then the damage can beeliminated (Eliminate breakdown) and planned work can be optimized (optimizeplanned) so as to support the achievement of higher refinery productivity. So thatthe maintenance performance has a strong influence on plant productivity.Keywords:, In the oil and gas operations in Indonesia, maintenance is an important factor tokeep the plant productivity reached the expected target, this can be achieved if thecompany is already implementing good maintenance management from planningto performance evaluation. Besides, the goal of an enterprise and the productionprocess is continuity of production operations so as to achieve high productivity.Planty productivity achieved by PT. X is at 93%, this was due to unplannedshutdowns and the lack of proper planning. Conditions of MaintenanceManagement in PT. X is in AVERAGE stage. Where in practice PT. X has alreadyidentify and complete assessment of the organization, determine the potential fordevelopment, develop strategies Improved Reliability and get a commitment fromtop management to develop towards predictive maintenance. Based on theanalysis found that the Maintenance Management is good then the damage can beeliminated (Eliminate breakdown) and planned work can be optimized (optimizeplanned) so as to support the achievement of higher refinery productivity. So thatthe maintenance performance has a strong influence on plant productivity.Keywords:]