Disertasi ini membahas bagaimana wacana vernakuler kelompok minoritas berbasis agama ketika mentransformasi identitasnya serta mengkonstruk realitas keberagaman melalui medium gerakan sosial. Penelitian dilakukan berdasarkan teori wacana vernakuler dan teori konstruksi sosial atas realitas dalam paradigma konstruktifis kritis, dengan menerapkan metode studi kasus instrumental tunggal, didukung dengan analisis naratif.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wacana vernakuler kelompok yang tertindas, menggambarkan bagaimana mereka memaknai realitas dan mendefinisikan serta mentransformasi identitas mengacu pada ideologi agama sebagai referensi primer dan ideologi politik. Wacana vernakuler tidak hanya bersifat deskriptif, tetapi juga konstruktif terhadap identitas dan realitas keberagaman yang diproyeksikan melalui gerakan sosial bersama aliansinya.
This dissertation focuses on how is the vernacular discourse of a religious minority group when they transform their identity and construct diversity through the medium of social movement. The research was conducted based on the theory of vernacular discourse and the social construction of reality within the critical constructivism paradigm, applying a single instrumental case study method, supported by narrative analysis.
The result showed that the vernacular discourse of oppressed group, describes how they interpret reality, define and transform identity, based on religious ideology as the primary reference and based on political ideology. Furthermore, vernacular discourse is not merely descriptive, but also constructive toward the projected identity and reality of diversity through social movement with its alliances.