ABSTRAK Pierre de Ronsard adalah seorang tokoh yang mempunyai pengaruh besar dalam kesusastraan Prancis
abad XVI. Ronsard merupakan pemimpin La Pléiade, ia sangat produktif dalam menciptakan karya-karya yang
merefleksikan kondisi zamannya sehingga dijuluki Le Prince des Poètes. Salah satu karya Ronsard yang terkenal
adalah puisi berbentuk soneta alexandrine berjudul ?? Quand vous serez bien vieille ??. Puisi ini dibuat untuk
menyampaikan rasa cinta terpendam kepada seorang gadis yang dipanggil Vous. Penyair sengaja merahasiakan
identitas gadis tersebut untuk menjaga kemurnian dan keagungan cinta sesuai konsep abad itu. Melalui analisis
aspek bentuk dan bunyi, serta aspek semantik dan pragmatik, tulisan ini akan membahas penggambaran cinta
penyair yang diduga sebagai cinta platonik.
ABSTRACT Pierre de Ronsard is a major figure had his impact towards French literature in the 16
Ronsard is the leader of La Pléiade, he was very productive in creating belles-lettres which reflected the condition
of his time so that he was named Le Prince des Poètes. One of the most popular poetry is his sonnet alexandrine ??
Quand vous serez bien vieille ??. This poetry was created to declare his secret love to a girl named vous. The poet
didn?t mention the identity of the girl in order to keep the purity and grandeur of love according to the concept the
century. Through the analysis of some aspects, such as form and sound, semantics, and pragmatics, this paper
discusses the portrayal of love which is assumed as a form of platonic love. ;Pierre de Ronsard is a major figure had his impact towards French literature in the 16
Ronsard is the leader of La Pléiade, he was very productive in creating belles-lettres which reflected the condition
of his time so that he was named Le Prince des Poètes. One of the most popular poetry is his sonnet alexandrine ??
Quand vous serez bien vieille ??. This poetry was created to declare his secret love to a girl named vous. The poet
didn?t mention the identity of the girl in order to keep the purity and grandeur of love according to the concept the
century. Through the analysis of some aspects, such as form and sound, semantics, and pragmatics, this paper
discusses the portrayal of love which is assumed as a form of platonic love. ;Pierre de Ronsard is a major figure had his impact towards French literature in the 16
Ronsard is the leader of La Pléiade, he was very productive in creating belles-lettres which reflected the condition
of his time so that he was named Le Prince des Poètes. One of the most popular poetry is his sonnet alexandrine ??
Quand vous serez bien vieille ??. This poetry was created to declare his secret love to a girl named vous. The poet
didn?t mention the identity of the girl in order to keep the purity and grandeur of love according to the concept the
century. Through the analysis of some aspects, such as form and sound, semantics, and pragmatics, this paper
discusses the portrayal of love which is assumed as a form of platonic love.