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Hubungan antara hasil pemeriksaan kapasitas difusi paru terhadap karbonmonoksida (DLCO) metode napas tunggal dengan derajat pasien PPOK di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta = The correlations between measurement of lung diffusing capacity with single breath methods (DLCO-SB) with the group of COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta

Efriadi; Faisal Yunus, supervisor; Triya Damayanti, supervisor (Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015)


Latar belakang : Penelitian ini merupakan studi awal untuk mengukur kapasitas
difusi paru DLCO-SB ipada pasien PPOK di RSUP Persahabatan Jakarta untuk
mengetahui prevalens penurunan nilai DLCO pada pasien PPOK.
Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi potong lintang (cross sectional
study) pada pasien PPOK yang berkunjung di Poliklinik Asma-PPOK RSUP
Persahabatan Jakarta. Dilakukan uji spirometri dan DLCO pada pasien PPOK
yang diambil secara konsekutif antara bulan Mei-Juli 2015. Komorbiditas juga
Hasil : Uji Spirometri and DLCO dilakukan pada 65 subjek didapatkan 7 subjek
(10,8%) termasuk kedalam PPOK Grup A, 19 subjek (29,2%) PPOK Grup B, 21
subjek (32,3%) PPOK grup C dan 18 subjek (27,7%) PPOK grup D. rerata usia
64,15 (45-89) tahun;rerata VEP
% 46,05%, rerata nilai DLCO 19,42
ml/menit/mmHg dan rerata DLCO % adalah 72.00%. prevalens penurunan
DLCO pasien PPOK adalah 56,92% (37/65 subjek) sedangkan 28 subjek dengan
nilai DLCO normal. Ditemukan 15 subjek (23,07%) dengan penurunan ringan, 18
subjek (27.69%) penurunan sedang dan 4 subjek (6,15%) dengan penurunan berat.
Ditemukan 47 subjek (72,3%) memiliki komorbid. Terdapat hubungan bermakna
antara grup PPOK, derajat spirometri, VEP
, IMT dan komorbiditas dengan nilai
hasil uji DLCO. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara nilai DLCO dengan
jenis kelamin, umur, riwayat merokok, Indeks Brinkmann, obstruksi-restriksi dan
lama terdiagnosis PPOK.
Kesimpulan : Proporsi penurunan nilai DLCO pada pasien PPOK adalah
56,92%. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara grup PPOK, derajat spirometri,
, IMT dan riwayat TB dengan nilai hasil uji DLCO. Tidak terdapat
hubungan bermakna antara nilai DLCO dengan jenis kelamin, umur, riwayat
merokok, Indeks Brinkmann, obstruksi-restriksi, komorbid dan lama terdiagnosis
Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period. ;Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period. ;Background and the aim of study : This is a preliminary study to measure
DLCO-SB in COPD patients in Persahabatan Hospital. The aim of the study is to
know the magnitude of disturbance in diffusing capacity of the lung in COPD
Methods : This was a cross sectional study in which COPD patients attending
COPD-Asthma clinic in Persahabatan Hospital Jakarta were performed spirometry
and DLCO-SB consecutively between May 2015?July 2015. Comorbidities
conditions were also recorded.
Results : Spirometry and DLCO-SB measurement were conducted on 65 COPD
subjects of which 7 subjects (10.8%) were COPD Group A, 19 subjects (29.2%)
were Group B, 21 subjects (32.3%) were COPD group C and 18 subjects (27.7%)
were COPD group D. The mean age was 64.15 (45-89); mean FEV
% was
46.05%, mean DLCO measured was 19.42 ml/min/mmHg and the mean DLCO%
was 72.00%. The prevalence of decreasing in diffusing capacity of the lung in
COPD patients was 56.92% (37 subjects) While 28 subjects were normal. There
were 15 subjects (23.07%) with mild decrease in DLCO, 18 subjects (27.69%)
were moderate decrease and 4 subjects (6.15%) with severe decrease. 47 subjects
(72.3%) had comorbid conditions. There was significant correlation between grup
, BMI and comorbidities with magnitude of
decreasing DLCO value. There was no correlation between DLCO value with sex,
smoking history, Brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, length of COPD
Conclusion : The proportion of decreasing in DLCO in COPD patients are
56.92%. There is significant correlation among the group of COPD, GOLD
COPD grade, VEP
, BMI and previous TB history with magnitude of decreasing
DLCO value. There is no correlation between DLCO value with sex, smoking
history, brinkmann index, age, obstruction-mix criteria, comorbidities and length
of COPD period.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : SP-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xi, 58 page : illustration + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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