ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: siler polidimetilsiloksan merupakan siler baru yang berpotensi
menutup saluran akar lebih baik. Tujuan: membandingkan tingkat kerapatan
pengisian di sepertiga apeks antara teknik kon tunggal (KT) dan downpackbackfill
(DB) menggunakan siler polidimetilsiloksan. Metode: empat puluh gigi
premolar bawah dibagi menjadi dua kelompok KT dan DB. Setelah pengisian
saluran akar, sampel diinkubasi, dilapisi cat kuku, direndam dalam tinta India, lalu
dibuat transparan dengan metode Robertson. Kebocoran di sepertiga apeks
dievaluasi dengan mikroskop stereo. Hasil: skor kebocoran terendah (0-0,5 mm)
dimiliki oleh kelompok KT dan skor kebocoran tertinggi (>1 mm) dimiliki oleh
kelompok DB. Kesimpulan: teknik kon tunggal memberikan tingkat kerapatan
yang lebih baik dibandingkan downpack-backfill, walaupun secara statistik perbedaan antar keduanya tidak signifikan.
ABSTRACT Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques. ;Background: polydimethylsiloxane sealer is a brand new sealer that potentially
has a better sealing ability to the root canal. Aim: to compare the apical sealing
ability in one third apex between single cone (SC) and downpack-backfill (DB)
technique using polydimethylsiloxane sealer. Methods: fourty extracted human
manibular premolars devided into two group, SC and DB. After obturated with
polydimethylsiloxane sealer, samples were stored in incubator, coated with nail
varnish, immersed in India ink, and then specimens were cleared using
Robertson?s technique. The apical dye penetration was evaluated using a
stereomicroscope. Result: the lowest leakage score (0-0,5 mm) was found in SC
group and the highest score(>1 mm) in DB group. Summary: single cone
technique exibited better sealing ability rather than downpack-backfill technique, although no statistical significant difference between this two techniques.