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UI - Tugas Akhir :: Kembali

Pemberdayaan komunitas dalam pemantauan diet dan aktifitas fisik pada Lansia DM di Kelurahan Sukamaju Baru Tapos Kota Depok = Empowerment community in monitoring diet and activity physically on elderly DM in New Sukamaju Tapos Depok

Kusdiah Eny Subekti; Junaiti Sahar, supervisor; Wiwin Wiarsih, supervisor (Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015)


Lansia merupakan kelompok rentan yang memiliki penyakit kronik karena
menurunnya kemampuan fisik, psikologis dan sosialnya. Prevalensi lansia DM di
Jawa Barat mengalami peningkatan dari 1,3% menjadi 2% di tahun 2013. Lansia
memerlukan dukungan dari masyarakat sekitarnya, terutama kader dalam
memberikan pelayanan kesehatan terkait DM. Salah satu jenis pelayanan
kesehatan yang diberikan kepada kelompok lansia di posbindu PTM diantaranya
pemeriksaan adanya gula dalam urine sebagai deteksi awal adanya penyakit
diabetes mellitus, pemeriksaan aktivitas sehari ? hari, pemeriksaan status gizi, dan
kegiatan olah raga. Dukungan dari keluarga, teman, dan kader kesehatan sangat
penting untuk membuat perubahan gaya hidup dalam hal diet dan pola aktivitas.
Praktik residensi bertujuan memberi gambaran pemantauan diet dan aktivitas
sebagai bentuk pemberdayaan kader dalam mempertahankan kadar gula darah
pada lansia DM. Hasil evaluasi kegiatan didapatkan : terjadi peningkatan
pengetahuan kader dari rata-rata 3,29 menjadi 9,84; peningkatan sikap kader dari
rata-rata 33,29 menjadi 36,50; peningkatan keterampilan kader dari rata-rata 29,29
menjadi 32,50, dan penurunan kadar gula setelah dilakukan pemantauan diet dan
aktivitas sebesar 63%. Pendidikan kesehatan dapat dilakukan secara individual
maupun berkelompok oleh petugas kesehatan atau kader yang telah mendapat
pelatihan. Pemberdayaan kader dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap dan
keterampilan kader. Puskesmas perlu memberikan bimbingan dan pembinaan bagi
kader kesehatan untuk meningkatkan asuhan keperawatan lansia DM. ABSTRACT
Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical
performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased
from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding,
especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health
services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the
detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a
nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very
important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense
of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar
concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge
than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50.
Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring
diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health
workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge ,
attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to
increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical
performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased
from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding,
especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health
services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the
detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a
nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very
important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense
of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar
concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge
than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50.
Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring
diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health
workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge ,
attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to
increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical
performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased
from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding,
especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health
services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the
detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a
nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very
important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense
of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar
concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge
than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50.
Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring
diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health
workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge ,
attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to
increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical
performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased
from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding,
especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health
services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the
detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a
nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very
important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense
of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar
concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge
than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50.
Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring
diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health
workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge ,
attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to
increase the care of nursing elderly dm. ;Elderly who is vulnerable groups have the disease chronicle because declines in physical
performance, social and psychological. The prevalence of seniors dm in west java has increased
from 1.3 % to 2 percent in 2013. Elderly requiring support from the community surrounding,
especially kaders in providing health services associated dm on elderly. One of the health
services provided for the elderly in posbindu PTM examination of the sugar in urine as the
detection of the beginning of disease diabetes mellitus, the daily activities investigation day, a
nutrition status, and activities sports. Support of the family, friends, and healthcare very
important to make lifestyle change in the diet and the activity. The research aims to give a sense
of monitoring of diet and activity as a form of cadres in empowerment maintain blood sugar
concentration on elderly dm. The evaluation of these activities : increased cadre of knowledge
than average 3,29 become 9,84. Increased cadre of attitude than average 33,29 become 36,50.
Cadres increasing skill than average 29,29 become 32,50. The decline in a sugar after monitoring
diet and activity of 63 %. Health education can be carried out individual and groups for health
workers or cadres have received the training. Empowerment cadres can increase of knowledge ,
attitudes and skill cadres. Puskesmas needs to give guidance and flanking for health cadres to
increase the care of nursing elderly dm.

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Jenis Koleksi : UI - Tugas Akhir
No. Panggil : SP-PDF
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama badan :
Program Studi :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : [Place of publication not identified]: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Bahasa : ind
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI ind rda
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Deskripsi Fisik : xiv, 120 pages : illustration + appendix
Naskah Ringkas :
Lembaga Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi : Perpustakaan UI, Lantai 3
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