This book is an introduction to wearable computing, prototyping, and smart materials using the arduino platform. This book will get you set up with all the materials, software, and hardware you need. By the end of the book, you'll have learned, electronics basics, how to prototype successfully, arduino programming, how to design and build your own wearable Arduino creations, along the way you'll create fun and inspiring wearables, such as, an LED bracelet: learn the basics of wearable electronics, a synthesizer tie: accept user input and create output in response, a solar-powered glow in the dark bag: create self-sufficient wearables, a shape memory flower: store state and manipulate your wearables, an EL wire dress: add designer touches to your wearables, and a beatbox hoodie : use a voice-activated sequencer and skin resistance to create the coolest of urban wearables.