Barongsai performance in the Chinese New Year ritual is unique and imposing processional ceremony of cultural performance in Semarang. The aesthetic aspects of the cultural performance are closely related to the meaningful symbols of society's prevailing cultural patterns background which are still uphold till nowadays. Specifically, the problem raised up in this study deals with the meaning of Barongsai performance text in Chinese New Year ritual ceremony. Furthermore, the researcher used performance studies approach in order to solve the problem. The data collection was done by observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. The analysis was done qualitatively by referring to the interactive cycle analysis model. Furthermore, the analysis procedures were done through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification. The research findings dealing with meaning in Barongsai performance text are as follows: 1) religious meaning between human and God, 2) meaning of human relationship with their relatives and predecessor, and 3) meaning of harmony or balance between human and nature.