On March 2nd 2000, a female patient age 47 years, originally had crown & bridges on region 22,,23,24,25,26, region 33,34,35,36,37, region 44,45,46,47. And region 13,14,15,16. She had suffered her abutments teeth as anchorages which initially healthy, then became caries, offtently swelling, pain, halitosis and finally several of its had pulled out. Formerly she asked removable denture on her edentulous ridges, then I had made her Valplast Denture. But the denture still felt uncomfortable and seldom be used. After suggesting the other alternative to use implant denture, on region 35,37 with ITI Straumann to make crown and bridge inplant denture with dummy 36, patient felt
satisfied. Then patient asked another crown and bridges which had problems to be pulled out too. Finally on 5 th February 2008 she had already completely installed combination implant denture ITI Straumann and Biohorizon although it takes along time periode, but now she feels satisfy, because she has fixed denture without sacrifice another healthy teeth as anchorages.