ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas pengaruh interaksi konsumen terhadap staff dan self service technology (SST) pada bisnis ritel. Penelitian sebelumnya
"menunjukan bahwa hubungan langsung interpersonal service quality berpengaruh positif terhadap retail patronage intention. Peelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana mekanisme interaksi konsumen terhadap staf dan STST dapat berkontribusi pada perusahaan. Pene;itian ini mengambil studi kasus bisnis ritel bioskop CGV Blitz Grand Indonesia yang menyediakan layanan self-service technology (SST) kepada konsumennya. Dengan mengambil sampel penelitian sebanyak 100 responden, data tersebut diolah menggunakan structural equation modelling. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa interaksi konsumen kepada staff (Interpersonal service quality) memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap retail patronage intentios.
ABSTRACTThis thesis discusses the influence of consumer interactions on the staff and self service technology (SST) in the retail business. Previous research
"Shows that the direct connection of interpersonal service quality positive effect on retail patronage intention. Peelitian aims to understand how the mechanisms of interaction of consumers towards staff and STST can contribute to the company. Pene; itian this case study retail business of cinema CGV Blitz Grand Indonesia that provide services self-service technology (SST) to their customers. By taking a sample of 100 respondents, the data is processed using structural equation modeling. the results showed that the interaction of the consumer to the staff (Interpersonal service quality) have a positive influence on the retail patronage intentios.;