ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas analisis faktor risiko ergonomi dan keluhan
musculoskeletal disorder di PT X tahun 2016. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian
kuantitatif dengan disain cross sectional. Dari penilaian risiko ergonomi dengan
mengunakan metode Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC) didapatkan pekerjaan
menggunakan komputer di office termasuk ke dalam level 3 atau risiko tinggi dan
pekerjaan manual di workshop dan di warehouse termasuk ke dalam level 4 atau
risiko sangat tinggi. Postur janggal yang terbentuk saat melakukan pekerjaan
dipengaruhi oleh disain workstation dimana dari hasil pengukuran diketahui
beberapa workstation pada masing-masing area kerja belum sesuai. Hasil survey
Nordic Body Map (NBM) menunjukan sebanyak 88,4% responden memiliki
keluhan MSDs dengan persentase area kerja yang mengalami keluhan tertinggi
pada area warehouse 100%, area workshop 94,4%, dan area office 83,7%. Bagian
tubuh yang paling banyak mengalami keluhan MSDs pada area office adalah pada
bagian pinggang 48,8%, leher bagian atas 46,5%, bahu kanan 30,2%, dan bahu kiri
27,9%, pada area workshop adalah pada bagian pinggang 50%, leher atas 50%,
punggung 38,8% dan pinggul 38,8%, dan pada area warehouse adalah pada bagian
pinggang 50%, leher atas 50%, punggung 38,8% dan pinggul 38,8%. Disarankan
adanya perbaikan disain workstation dan program edukasi kesehatan kerja terkait
ABSTRACTThis study discuss the analysis of ergonomic risk factors and musculoskeletal
disorder complaints in X company at the year of 2016. this research is a quantitative
research with cross sectional design method. From the ergonomic risk assessment
using Quick Exposure Checklist (QEC) the result is indicate that works in the office
that uses computers is included in level 3 or high risk category and manual work at
the workshop is included to a level 4 or very high risk category. Awkward working
posture that adopted by the worker is influenced by the design of the workstation
that the result of workstation measurement shows several workstation in each
working area is not appropriate. The survey result of Nordic Body Map (NBM)
shows that 88.4% respondent have a complaint about MSDs which the highest
percentage of complaints lies at the warehouse area with 100% complaints rate,
while in the workshop the percentage of complaint is 94.4% and office area 83.7%.
The part of body with the highest complaint of MSDs of office worker is waist
(48.8%), upper neck (46.5%), right shoulder (30.4%), and left shoulder (27.9%),
and for the workshop worker the highest complaint of MSDs is on waist (50%),
upper neck (50%), upper back (38.8%), and hip (38.8%), and for the werehouse
worker the highest complaint of MSDs is on waist (50%), upper neck (50%), upper
back (38.8%), and hip (38.8%). Suggested of improvement in workstation design
and education regarding occupational health in ergonomics.