ABSTRAKSkripsi ini membahas hubungan antara karakteristik industri semen dengan potensi terjadinya kartel dalam industri tersebut. Selain itu, dilakukan juga analisis kasus kartel terhadap tiga negara, yaitu Uni Eropa, India, dan Indonesia. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain wawancara dan grounded theory. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pembuktian kartel bukanlah hal yang mudah dan meskipun secara teori dan konsep membenarkan adanya hubungan positif antara potensi kartel dengan karakterisitik industri semen, namun perlu analisis lebih lanjut akan adanya faktor penting lain yang dapat mempengaruhi, yaitu tingkat substitusi. Selain itu, hasil penelitian menyarankan Indonesia lebih memahami teori dan konsep ekonomi dalam rangka menggunakan bukti ekonomi dalam pembuktian kartel, terutama berdasarkan contoh empiris di dua negara lainnya yang berhasil menangani kasus kartel semen tersebut.
ABSTRACTThis thesis described the interrelationship between the characteristics of cement industry in Indonesia with some of the factors that promote cartel within the cement industry. Furthermore, cases analysis are carried out by doing case studies in solving cement cartel in European Union, India and Indonesia. The research in this thesis used qualitative analysis with design interview and grounded theory. The investigation concludes that proving the existence of cartel is not easy and even though there is a strong possibility of cartel formation due to the characteristics of the cement industry, further analysis is needed to display other practical important factor such as the demand level of substitutes. Besides that, the investigation suggests Indonesia learns more about the theory and concept of economics in using economics evidence as the evidence to prove cartel, especially from the empirical cases in European Union and India that have proven to be effective in solving cartel formation with all its pro