ABSTRAKStandar internasional dalam pencegahan dan pemberantasan pendanaan
terorisme sebagai upaya agar mampu untuk mengatasi pendanaan terorisme di
Indonesia serta dampak pemberian sanksi FATF terhadap terkait industri jasa
keuangannya memiliki dampak yang berbahaya bagi perekonomian suatu negara.
Indonesia pernah masuk ke dalam daftar hitam FATF,diharapkan ada upaya agar
tidak lagi masuk ke dalam daftar tersebut. Regulasi yang dikeluarkan oleh Pemerintah
Indonesia diharapkan dapat membuktikan bahwa Indonesia bersama masyarakat
global mendukung pelaksanaan Rezim Anti Pencucian Uang/ Pencegahan Pendanaan
Terorisme. Diharapkan Indonesia terus memperbarui pengetahuan tentang tipologi
yang terjadi dalam pendanaan terorisme, sehingga menemukan solusi yang tepat
terhadap permasalahan tersebut dan untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif dari
Pendanaan Terorisme yang terjadi di Indonesia
ABSTRACTInternational standards in the prevention and eradication of the financing of
terrorism as efforts in order to be able to overcome the problems of the financing of
terrorism in Indonesia as well as the impact of FATF sanctions against jurisdictions
related financial services industry has its harmful effect for the economic system of a
country. Indonesia already had get into the black list of FATF, so that, there is efforts
to make Indonesia no longer enter into the list. Regulations issued by the Government
of Indonesia is expected to prove that Indonesia participated together with the global
community to support the implementation of the regime of the Anti-Money
Laundering / Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML / CFT). Indonesia is
expected to continue to update the knowledge of typologies that occur in the financing
of terrorism, so as to find a proper solution to these problems and to minimize the
negative impact of the Financing of Terrorism in Indonesia