ABSTRAKLatarbelakang: Diperlukan program intervensi perubahan perilaku menyikat gigi
yang berefek jangka panjang. Tujuan: membandingkan efektivitas metode
appreciative inquiry (AI) dengan dental health education (DHE) konvensional
terhadap pembentukan otomatisasi habit menyikat gigi. Metode: intervensi
komunitas dilakukan dengan rancangan acak pada 164 anak usia 7-8 tahun di kota Madiun. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara kuesioner dan pemeriksaan intra oral. Hasil: Proporsi anak yang mengalami otomatisasi pada kelompok AI lebih besar (63,8%) dibandingkan dengan kelompok DHE (22,1%) dan berbeda secara signifikan (P = 0.000; OR= 11.9, 95% CI = 4.794-29.497) Kesimpulan: metode appreciative inquiry lebih efektif dalam mengubah perilaku menyikat gigi dibandingkan DHE konvensional.
ABSTRACTBackground: Intervention program to achieve toothbrushing behavioural change with long-term effect still rarely implemented. Objective: to compare the effectiveness of appreciative inquiry (AI) againts conventional health education approach for forming automaticity toothbrushing habit. Methods: Randomized-Community Trial on 164 children age 7-8 years in Madiun City, data collection by interview and intraoral examination. Results: automaticity proportion was significantly higher in the AI group (63,8%) as compared to conventional group (22,1%) (P = 0.000; OR= 11.9, 95% CI = 4.794-29.497). Conclusion: appreciative inquiry was more effective than conventional health education approach for toothbrushing behavior change