ABSTRAKIndonesia perlu menemukan identitas pembedanya yang dapat diinvestigasi
melalui konsep nation brand. Studi ini menggunakan penelitian mengenai nation
brand molecule milik Rojas-Mendez (2013). Studi ini menemukan bahwa ketujuh
dimensi yang ditemukan menyusun nation brand molecule pada penelitian Rojas-
Mendez muncul pada kasus Indonesia. Subset yang muncul dari WNI beragam
dengan nada positif dan negatif. Pada sisi negatif, korupsi, birokrasi, dan
ketidaksetaraan pendapatan berada diantara asosiasi yang diberikan oleh
responden. Pada sisi positif, ragam tujuan wisata, kepribadian yang positif, dan
ragam budaya bangsa disebutkan oleh responden. Konsistensi adalah aspek
penting berikutnya dalam membangun brand. Studi ini mengevaluasi konsistensi
melalui keterlibatan WNI dalam pembicaraan positif (positive words of mouth
atau positive WOM) dan antesedennya: inner dan social brand self-expressiveness
dan brand love. Hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh inner- dan social
brand self-expressiveness terhadap positive WOM dimediasi secara penuh oleh
brand love. Wawasan lain yang juga diperoleh oleh studi ini adalah perbedaan
persepsi yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing kelompok agama pada inner-, social
brand self-expressiveness, brand love, dan positive WOM
ABSTRACTIndonesia needs to figure its differentiating identity that can be investigated
through the concept of nation brand. This study was trying to identify it using
Nation Brand Molecule theory by Rojas-Mendez (2013). This study found that all
seven dimensions found in the Nation Brand Molecule appear in the case of
Indonesia. The subsets associated by Indonesians were varied in both negative
and positive tones. On the negative side, corruption, bureaucracy, and income
inequality are among the associations given by the respondents. On the other
hands, positive associations were also found on the subsets of the dimensions:
various tourism destination, positive personality of the people, and diverse
national culture. Consistency is followed to be an important aspect in establishing
a brand, including nation brand. This study tried to evaluate the consistency
through people?s engagement in the positive words of mouth (WOM) and its
antecedent: inner and social brand self-expressiveness and brand love. The
statistical outcome shows that the effect from inner and social brand selfexpressiveness
towards positive WOM are fully mediated by brand love. Another
insight that this study was able to accomplish was how each group of religion
perceived inner-, social brand self-expressiveness, brand love, and positive WOM