ABSTRAKPraktek Kerja Profesi Apoteker di RSUP Fatmawati bertujuan agar calon apoteker mampu memahami peranan, tugas dan tanggung jawab apoteker di Rumah Sakit sesuai dengan ketentuan perundangan dan etika farmasi yang berlaku, memiliki wawasan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan pengalaman praktis untuk melakukan praktik kefarmasian di puskesmas, serta mempelajari strategi dan kegiatankegiatan yang dapat dilakukan dalam rangka pengembangan praktik kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Tugas khusus yang diberikan berjudul Pengkajian Pelayanan Resep Obat Sitostatika di Instalasi Farmasi RSUP Fatmawati Periode Januari 2016. Tujuan dari tugas khusus ini adalah untuk mengetahui jumlah resep obat sitostatika yang dilayani dan jenis obat terbanyak digunakan, serta menganalisis resep berdasarkan demografi pasien, tanggal permintaan, dan unit asal permintaan.
ABSTRACTProfession Internship at RSUP Fatmawati aiming for that prospective pharmacists are able to understand the duties and responsibilities of pharmacists in the management of the hospital, as well as to practice pharmacy services in accordance with statutory provisions and ethics, insight, knowledge, skills, and practical experience to carry out the practice of pharmacy, and have a real picture of the issues pharmaceutical practice and learn the strategies and activities that can be done in the framework of the development of pharmacy practice in hospital. Given the special task entitled Assessment of The Service Cytotoxic Prescriptions in Pharmacy Installation RSUP Fatmawati on January 2016. The purpose of this special task is to find out the number of cytotoxic prescriptions and cytotoxic medicine variety, as well as analyze the prescriptions based on demographic, date of request, and unit where it requested.