Neonatus mengalami kondisi ketidaknyamanan selama mendapatkan perawatan di ruang intensif. Tujuan penulisan untuk menganalisis aplikasi teori Comfort Kolcaba pada bayi baru lahir dengan masalah kenyamanan dan pernapasan. Studi kasus dilakukan terhadap lima bayi di ruang perinatologi. Asuhan keperawatan berfokus pada kenyamanan fisik, psikospiritual, sosiokultural, dan lingkungan. Pengisapan lendir teknik empat tangan sebagai salah satu intervensi kenyamanan yang dievaluasi dengan Pediatric Comfort Assessment. Penerapan teori Comfort Kolcaba memberikan hasil yang baik terhadap kenyamanan kelima bayi. Kenyamanan psikospiritual dan sosiokultural dapat terpenuhi; sedangkan kenyamanan fisik dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor. Simpulan dari studi ini yaitu teori keperawatan Comfort Kolcaba sangat komprehensif sehingga sangat direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan pada bayi secara simultan dan berkesinambungan.
Newborn was discomfort in the intensive care unit. The purpose of this writing is to provide an analysis of Kolcaba comfort theory applications in nursing care for newborns with comfort and respiratory problems. Case study method was used in 5 infants treated in perinatology. Nursing care given using the assessment of physical comfort, psychospiritual, socio-cultural, and environmental. The implementation of four-handed suction technique as one of the comfort intervention which evaluated by pediatric comfort assessment tool. The application of the Kolcaba comfort theory gives good results towards the comfort of five infants. Psychospiritual comfort and sociocultural be fulfilled; whereas physical comfort is influenced by various factors. The conclusion of this study is Kolcaba nursing comfort theory has very comprehensive aspects therefore highly recommended for newborns' comfort through simultaneous and continuous implementation.