ABSTRAKLatar belakang : Tuberkulosis (TB) menempati urutan pertama sebagai penyebab pertama kematian akibat infeksi di Indonesia. Angka kesakitan TB di Indonesia semakin bertambah dengan semakin banyaknya kasus multi drug
resistant(MDR) TB. Pemeriksaan foto toraks merupakan bagian penegakkan diagnosis TB paru, terutama untuk menegakkan diagnosis MDR TB pada saat awal kunjungan penderita TB. Sampai saat ini belum ada data di Indonesia
mengenai perbandingan karakteristik lesi foto toraks MDR TB dengan lesi foto toraks drug sensitive (DS) TB.
Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan gambaran karakteristik lesi foto toraks MDR TB dengan lesi foto toraks DS TB. Bahan dan cara kerja : Penelitan ini dilakukan dengan studi retrospektif
menggunakan data sekundefr dari rekam medic penderita yang berobat ke poliklinik paru RS Persahabatan Jakarta selama periode Januari 2013 sampai Desember 2015. Pembacaan ulang foto toraks kunjungan pertama dalam semua
rekam medik pasien MDR TB dan DS TB, dilakukan di bagian radiologi RSUP Persahabatan dan dibaca oleh spesialis radiologi konsultan toraks. Penilaian foto toraks meliputi morfologi, lokasi dan derajat lesi.
Hasil : Gambaran foto toraks 183 penderita MDR TB dan 183 penderita DS TB memiliki lesi terbanyak berupa konsolidasi (57,4% vs 20,8%), kavitas (57,9% vs 6%), infiltrat (36,6% vs 66,7%). Kedua kelompok memiliki lesi terbanyak di
lapangan atas paru kanan. Gambaran lesi bronkiektasis ditemukan terbanyak di
MDR TB yaitu : 13,7% di lapangan tengah paru kanan. Kemlompok MDR TB memiliki kecenderungan derajat lesi luas lebih dominan dibandingkan DS TB(69% vs 27%).
Kesimpulan : Dari penelitian ini didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa lesi konsolidasi multiple dan kavitas multiple multiple lebih dominan pada MDR TB dibandingkan DS TB dan gambaran bronkiektasis unilobuler hanya ditemui pada
MDR TB terutama di lapangan tengah paru kanan. MDR TB memiliki derajat lesi luas dibandingkan dengan DS TB
ABSTRACTBackground: Tuberculosis (TB) is still rhe first cause of death due to infection in Indonesia. TB morbidity rate in Indonesia will had increasing with more cases of multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB. Chest x-ray is part of the diagnosis tools of establishing pulmonary TB, particularly for diagnosis of MDR TB at the earlyvisit of TB patients. Until now there is no data especially in Indonesia regarding the comparison between chest x-ray lesion characteristics of MDR lung TB withchest x-ray lesions of drug-sensitive (DS) lung TB.Objective: The aims of this study to compare between lesions characteristic on chest x fray of MDR lung TB and lesions characteristicon chest x ray.of DS lung TB.Materials and methods: This research was conducted a retrospective study using seconday data from patients medical records medic in pulmonology department inPersahabatan Hospital Jakarta within period January 2013 to December 2015. Chest x-ray of the first admission of new cases of MDR lung TB and DS lung TB DS, were reviewed by thorax radiology specialist consultant carried out inradiology department of Persahabatan hospital. Assesment of chest x-ray include morphology, lesion location and degree of the lesions.Results: The comparison between chest x-ray lesions of 183 patiens with MDR TB and of chest x-ray lesions 183 patiens with DS TB of predominantly as multilobular consolidation (57.4% vs 20.8%), the multilobuler multiple cavity (57.9% vs 6%), multilobular infiltrates (36.6% vs 66,7%). Both groups had preferable location on the upper of the right lung. Bronchiectasis lesions had found most in MDR lung TB are : 13.7% mainly located in the middle of the right lung. MDR TB has a tendency estensive lesions was more dominant than the DS TB (69% vs 27%).Conclusion. the multiple consolidation and multiple cavity were more dominant in MDR lung TB compared to DS lung TB and unilobuler bronchiectasis lesion only found on MDR lung TB, especially in middle of the right lung. MDR TB on chest x-ray have extensive lesions more dominant than DS TB.