ABSTRAKPasien stroke biasanya mengalami disfungsi, termasuk gangguan eliminasi karena
neurogenic bladder. Residu urin digunakan untuk melihat kemampuan dalam
pengosongan kandung kemih. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan residu urin
antara bladder training yang waktu dimulainya/inisiasi sejak pasien stroke pasca fase
akut dengan yang dimulai satu hari sebelum kateter dilepas. Desain penelitian
menggunakan Quasy experiment post-test-only design with a comparison group dan
pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive random sampling. Residu urin
diukur dengan alat bladder scan dan dicatat dalam lembar observasi. Pengaruh bladder
training pada kelompok treatment dan kelompok kontrol terhadap volume residu urin
diuji dengan uji t independen. Rata-rata residu urin pada kelompok treatment lebih kecil
(54,00 ml dengan SD= 144,22 ml) dibandingkan rata-rata volume residu urin kelompok
kontrol (101,71 ml dengan SD= 42,55 ml). Hasil uji t independen menunjukkan tidak
ada perbedaan volume urin residu pada kelompok treatment dan kelompok kontrol
(p=0,84). Dengan demikian institusi pelayanan perlu mempertimbangakan
mengembangkan sistem dan membuat prosedur tetap untuk tindakan bladder training
dan perawat perlu melakukan bladder training sebelum kateter urin dilepaskan.
ABSTRACTThe stroke patients usually experience with various dysfunction, including disturbance
in elimination because of neurogenic bladder. Urine residue can be used to detect the
bladder function in contracting and voiding urine. This research was aimed to compare
bladder training initiation after stroke patients have passed the acute phase and one day
before the urine catheter was removal. This research was used Quasy experiment
posttest-only design with a comparison group design. The sample in this research taking
by purposive random sampling method. Urine residue measuring with bladder scan and
recorded in the observation sheet. The mean of urine residue in the treatment group was
smaller (54,00 ml with SD=144,22 ml) if compared with the urine residue volume in
control group (101,71 ml with SD=42,55 ml). The influence bladder training in both of
treatment and control groups and the differences of the urine residue volume was
analyzed with t test independent, there wes no differences between urine residue volume
in the groups (p=0,84). Therefore the health institution must consider to develop the
system and made a procedure in bladder training program’s and the nurse must do
bladder training before the urine catheter was removal.