ABSTRAKTurunnya harga minyak dunia sepanjang periode tahun 2015 mengakibatkan
berkurangnya keuntungan yang didapatkan oleh Perusahaan-perusahaan Migas, sehingga memaksa Perusahaan Migas untuk melakukan pengurangan biaya (cost reduction). Melalui study literature didapat faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan penerapan cost reduction di luar industri hulu Migas. Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan untuk mencari nilai bobot prioritas dari faktor, dan menentukan faktor apa yang paling berpengaruh pada kesuksesan penerapan program cost reduction di industri hulu migas serta Metode AHP kembali digunakan untuk memilih Program terbaik dalam rangka penerapan cost reduction. Pada Penelitian ini berhasil didapatkan nilai bobot prioritas dari faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesuksesan penerapan cost reduction di Industri Hulu Migas, dan juga didapat faktor paling penting yaitu: Top Management Commitment, Maintain the Production, Raw Material Alternative, Productivity, Personel Knowledge, Employee Contribution. Selanjutnya melalui metode AHP dipilih program terbaik dengan memperhitungkan faktor paling penting untuk cost reduction. Hasilnya program Pengurangan Biaya Support Operasi adalah program terbaik dalam rangka penerapan cost reduction di industri hulu Migas.
ABSTRACTWorld Oil prices decrease over the 2015 period resulted in reduced profits earned by oil and gas companies, thus forcing the Oil and Gas Company to undertake cost reduction. From study literature it is obtained the factors that affect the successful application of cost reduction beyond the upstream oil and gas industry. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to find the value of the weighting priority factors, and determine what factors most influence on the successful application of cost reduction programs in upstream oil and gas industry, also AHP method used to select best program in order to implement cost reduction. The result from this research are: value of the weighting priority factors that affect the successful implementation of cost reduction in Upstream Oil and Gas, and also obtained the most important factors: Top Management Commitment, Maintain the Production, Raw Material Alternative, Productivity, Personel Knowledge, and Employee Contribution. Furthermore, through the AHP method selected best program to take into account the most important factor for cost reduction application. The result is a program "Operational Support Cost Reduction" is the best program in order to implement cost reduction in the upstream oil and gas industry.