The house is a shelter for every individual in the family from the bustle outside. In it promised a million peace and love of harmony. Islam as a perfect Din manage how to realize this happiness, creating a house as the slogan "Baiti Jannati" (My house, My heaven).
General concepts that should be used as a guide in the "build" an Islamic house: norm to lowered our voice, keep confidential and not make noises; Setting things related to science and worship; Be modest in eating, drinking and lifestyle; Build good relationships and courtesy associate; Taking into account the health and sports; Protect our home and family members of morality, inappropriate behavior and keep them away from things that are unlawful, and harmful makruh; Doing good to the neighbors, respect to our guests and stay in touch (silaturahim); Keeping in and out of courtesy home.
Islamic house, is an efficient homes can be used for means of dhikr of Allah, and remember going to die, and not just in artificial. The house that allows residents to stay in touch and interact with each other. Meanwhile, the privacy of each person can be hold in it. Islamic house is a house that does not make a barrier from the outside world. But, still allows interaction and social relations with the environment and the neighbors.