This study is entitled: “the analysis of village and house pattern of Kasepuhan Kesatuan Adat Banten Kidul in Sukabumi Regency, West Java”, by using qualitative-descriptive method, the architectural remains those two villages were observed in 2005. The analysis of continuity and changes were based on it. The study shows that the same of village and house pattern in Ciptarasa and Ciptagelar are the existence of physical and non-physical boundaries; public and social facilities; site plan based on topography and zoning (clean and dirty), decoration varieties based on adat and non adat law. In general, the two villages share a similar pattern, i.e. museur (centralized) to the location of bumi ageung in the north-south axis of the two villages. The house pattern in Ciptarasa and Ciptagelar village are the form of panggung house and its spatial organization (tepas imah, tengah imah and pawon); the house components (lelemahan, pangadeg and suhunan); the rules (and ceremonies following building) construction process and the decoration varieties (adat and non adat).