Cbaracterization of tbe properties of microwave device proves to be an .. senlial complemenl 10 Ibe
tbeoretical or simulaUon works. Tbus, Ibe .. tablishment of tool used for tbe cbaraclerization Is one of Ibe
important steps in tbe experimeDtal sludy. In this paper, a test-fixture to cbaracterize tbe reflectivity aDd
traDsmissivity of microwave device is reported wbereby tbe refleelion and traDsmission properties caD be
obtained under normal incidence using a specially designed paraUel plate waveguide (PPW) simulator.
Tbis Is possible siDce tbis type of simulator is potentially \
transmission response tbrougb tbe use of tbe available 3-dimension electromagnetic (3D EM) software.
Tbe simulator Is designed numerically to work for 2.60 GHz to 3.95 GHz operation, witb waveguide
transducen type WGIO used for tbe wave exciter. After optimizing some parameten, tbe simulator witb
plate widlb of 200 mm, plate separatioD of 75 mill, and taper lengtb of 100 mm is tbeD fabricated. This
was followed by tbe experimental measurement, taken to be compared witb tbe design result. Some
cbaracterization of 3 GHz microwave devices including a sample of frequeDcy selective surfaces (FSS) aD-d
microwave absorber is also demonstrated, from wbicb tbe results are tben compared witb tbe simulatelr