After completion of the shore protection works, the structural and the sand fill components are susceptible to damage. Therefore, continuing monitoring needs to be programmed comprehensively. Operational monitoring consists of periodic inspection and measurement performed to obtain information necessary to make an updated assessment of the project state on a periodic basis. Periodic inspection includes visual survey, terrestrial photograph, and walking inspection, while measurement includes shoreline and cross-section of structures. Based on the result of the data analysis of Sanur beach year 2004-2006, the shoreline suffers deterioration and loss of beach fill from the condition before the handing over of the project compared to the monitoring result on September 2006. The average loss of beach fill is 15.52% (49.747 m3) compared to year 2004 (before handing over the project). The greatest shoreline recession happened at area L84-G32 with the rate of 8.65 m from shoreline when the project was finished (2004). The recession is estimated due to an offshore transport of material beach fill because of the presence of a trough in front of the coastal structure. Entirely, the rate of shoreline recession at Sanur beach reaches 1.28 m per year.