As a cultural performance, Randai traditionally organized in various ways as part of a traditional Minangkabau order adaik salingka nagari prevailing at each villages in Minangkabau. As a folk theater, Randai always produced with distinctive-looking dramaturgi order relating to the socio-cultural order prevailing in Minangkabau society. Based on the description dramaturgi aspects of it, seems a common thread that connects the various elements of the socio-cultural order Minangkabau society. Study of this paper will show that the Randai dramaturgy typically constructed based on the existence of elements and traditional values in the range of ethnic communities in the Minangkabau of West Sumatra. Various political and social factors in the development of the Minangkabau people, especially friction factor of the indigenous, Islam, and the state, has affected the order of the elements and the traditional values that build Randai dramaturgy. As a result, aspects and positions where Randai dramaturgi inMinangkabau society today, is also changing.