Bayi lahir di Indramayu, ditimbang berat lahir dan diukur panjang badan lahirnya serta panjang badan pada umur 3 bulan, 6 bulan, 9 bulan dan 12 bulan. Studi kohor selama 2 tahun ini mendapatkan 720 bayi yang dapat diukur pada saat lahir, 408 bayi hingga umur 6 bulan dan 271 bayi hingga umur 12 bulan. Dari 720 bayi lahir, didapat 516 bayi genap bulan, 63 prematur dan 141 IUGR. Indeks Ponderal Rohrer dihitung untuk setiap bayi IUGR dan ditentukan cut off pointnya. Studi ini mengkonfirmasikan bahwa Indeks Ponderal Rohrer berguna untuk mengkategorikan bayi lahir IUGR ke dalam IUGR LPI dan IUGR API.
Evaluation of nutritional status using rohrer ponderal index. Newborns in Indramayu were examined for their birth weight and length and their subsequent length: at the age of 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 month. This 2 years cohort study included 720 newborn who were able to be measured at birth, 534 newborns up to 3 months of age, 408 newborns up to 6 months of age and 271 newborn up to 12 months of age. Out of 720 newborn, there were 516 normal babies, 63 preterm and 141 IUGR. Rohrer Ponderal Index was calculated for each IUGR newborn and cut of point was determined. This study suggested that Rohrer ponderal index was worth to categorize IUGR infant into IUGR LPI and IUGR API.