DPR fullflled mandate of the people, one of its way is through legislation function, namely formed
Act with an agreement with the President. Expectations of the people filled with less than optimal
by DPR caused by the performance of the parliament in the field of legislation which was less
than satisfactory because did not fulfill the Prolegnas target which they had made themself. This
condition caused the functions of DPR as parliament not fully carried out in encouraging people
prosperity and developing the country. Hence, it is important to do a series of policy and concrete
steps to minimize problems that involve parliament as well as to promote better performance
legislation function in the House of Representatives.
DPR melaksanakan amanat rakyat antara lain melalui fungsi legislasi, yakni membentuk UU
dengan kesepakatan bersama Presiden. Harapan rakyat kurang dipenuhi secara optimal oleh DPR
disebabkan kinerja parlemen di bidang legislasi yang kurang memuaskan karena tidak memenuhi
target Prolegnas yang dibuatnya sendiri. Kondisi ini menyebabkan fungsi-fungsi DPR sebagai
parlemen kurang maksimal dalam mendorong kesejahteraan rakyat dan kemajuan negara.
Untuk itu penting dilakukan serangkaian kebijakan dan langkah konkret guna meminimalisir
permasalahan yang membelit parlemen sekaligus mendorong peningkatan kinerja DPR dalam
fungsi legislasi.