ABSTRACTOsteoarthritis genu adalah penyakit sendi degeneratif perusakan kartilago artikular dan tulang subkondral berujung disabilitas. Diabetes melitus sebagai komorbid osteoartritis genu menyebabkan kekakuan matriks ekstraseluler, kerusakan tulang subkondral, dan disfungsi kondrosit. Tujuan penelitian untuk mencari perbedaan bermakna status pasien osteoartritis genu komorbid diabetes melitus dengan perubahan nilai verbal numeric analog scale pasca terapi. Desain penelitian cross sectional dengan teknik sampling consecutive sampling. Jumlah sampel 72 36 komorbid diabetes melitus dan 36 non komorbid . Analisis data menggunakan uji saphiro-wilk dan Mann-Whitney. Selisih nilai diperoleh melalui pengurangan nilai terakhir pasca terapi dengan nilai saat kunjungan pertama pada rekam medik 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pasien osteoartritis genu memiliki rentang usia 61-70 tahun 36,1 , mayoritas perempuan 66,7 , dan jenis terapi TENS 58,3. Rerata selisih VNAS OA genu komorbid DM 1,6389, dan OA genu tanpa komorbid DM 2,6389. Hasil uji statistika menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara status pasien OA genu diabetes melitus dengan selisih VNAS P 0,024.
ABSTRACTKnee osteoarthtritis, a joint degenerative disease, the process of which include damage of knee articular cartilage and subchondral bone that may caused dissabilitation. Diabetes mellitus as a comorbid for this disease that may cause joint extracellular matrix rigidity, subchondral bone defect, and chondrosite dysfunction. Research purporse is finding the significant difference between diabetes mellitus status on knee osteoarthtritis and verbal numeric analog scale score changes after treatment. This research use cross sectional design and consecutive sampling technique. Total sample is 72 medical records. Analyzing the data by using Shapiro wilk and Mann whitney test. Score changes is a score gained by reducing the final pain score with the initial one in the medical record. The results are common age having knee osteoartrtis 61 70 years old 36,1 , woman gender majority 66,7 , and TENS treatment 58,3 . Mean pain score changes of knee osteoarthritis with diabetic comorbidity and knee osteoarthritis without diabetic comorbidity are 1,6389 and 2,6389. Statistic test shows significant difference between diabetes mellitus status on knee osteoarthtritis and verbal numeric analog scale VNAS score changes after treatment P 0,024.