Berdasarkan Riskesdas, 25,9 masyarakat Indonesia mengalami karies gigi, banyak diantaranya berasal dari tingkat ekonomi menengah kebawah. terbatasnya fasilitas kesehatan gigi menyebabkan dibutuhkannya sistem perawatan karies yang mudah untuk diaplikasikan, dan berharga terjangkau.
Tujuan: Membandingkan kemampuan antibakteri dan remineralisasi dari Propolis Fluoride PpF dan SDF sebagai caries arresting agent pada gigi sulung.
Metode: PpF dan SDF diuji menggunakan metode Total Plate Count TPC untuk menentukan kemampuan antibakterinya. Observasi menggunakan SEM dan EDX dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan antibakteri dari PpF dan SDF.
Hasil: Pada metode TPC, PpF terbukti dapat menurunkan pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutans secara signifikan. Pada metode SEM, kontrol negatif tampak lebih porus dari kontrol positif. Pada kelompok PpF, tampak pori dari proses demineralisasi tertutup dengan lapisan granulasi.
Kesimpulan: Propolis fluoride memiliki potensi yang besar untuk dijadikan alternatif SDF sebagai caries arresting agent pada karies dentin gigi sulung.
Background According to Riskesdas, 25.9 indonesians are having caries, most of them are from the lower economic groups. Limitation of the health facility led to the needs for treatment of caries that are easy to apply and affordable.
Objective To compare the antibacterial and remineralization ability of Propolis Fluoride PpF and SDF on arresting caries of primary teeth.
Methods PpF and SDF Materials are tested with Total Plate Count TPC to determine their antibacterial ability. Observations using SEM and EDX was conducted to determine PpF rsquo s dan SDF rsquo s remineralization ability.
Results In TPC method, PpF has the ability to significantly decrease the growth of Streptococcus mutans. In SEM method, negative control group looked more porous than the positive control group. In PpF group, it appears the demineralization porous is covered by granulated layer of PpF.
Conclusion Propolis Fluoride has a big potential to be an alternative for SDF on arresting dentinal caries on dentin caries of primary dentition.