Dewasa muda adalah kelompok usia dengan penggunaan tertinggi aplikasi seluler. Penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi seluler mengurangi kesejahteraan psikologis orang dewasa muda. Penelitian ini ingin melihat pengaruh dukungan sosial orangtua terhadap anak muda yang kesejahteraan psikologisnya menurun karena aplikasi seluler. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kuesioner kepada 99 responden.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun orang dewasa muda yang stres karena aplikasi mobile telah menerima dukungan sosial dari orang tua mereka, tingkat kesejahteraan psikologis mereka tetap rendah. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada korelasi antar variabel.
Young adults are the age group with the highest usage of mobile app. Previous studies have shown that mobile apps are decreasing the psychological wellbeing of young adults. This study wanted to see the effect of parent rsquo s social support on young adults whose psychological wellbeing has decreased because of the mobile app. This study uses a quantitative approach and questionnaires to 99 respondents.The results showed that although young adults who were stressed because the mobile app have received social supports from their parents, their level of psychological well being remained low. The results of the analysis shows that there were no correlation among variables.