ABSTRAKTesis ini membahas masalah pewarisan tradisi lisan upacara kuhi seko pada masyarakat Kerinci. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan dan sebagian besar data diperoleh dari lapangan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi partisipan, wawancara dan transkripsi. Data pendukung diperoleh melalui studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian ditulis dengan cara ldquo;thick deskripsi rdquo;. Struktur upacara kuhi seko terdiri dari mendingin sebagai pembuka. Paropatoh iyo-iyo, tari iyo-iyo dan brencek merupakan isi upacara. Adapun ico pake adat merupakan penutup upacara. Bagi masyarakat Kerinci, upacara kuhi seko berfungsi sebagai alat pendidikan, alat pengawasan, pengesahan lembaga adat dan hiburan. Pewarisan upacara kuhi seko adalah pewarisan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung. Pewarisan secara langsung yaitu berdasarkan keturunan ibu matrilineal terdapat dalam teks mendingin. Pewarisan secara tidak langsung terdapat dalam teks tari iyo-iyo dan brencek.
ABSTRACTThis study attempted to answer an issue toward the inheritance of the oral tradition of kuhi seko ceremony in Kerinci community. This study use qualitative methods with the grounded theory approach, and most of the data obtained from the field. The data were collected by participant observation and interview. The supporting data were gathered from a literature review. The data were then transcribed, analyzed, described, and interpreted comprehensively. The result of the study was written by using a ldquo thick description rdquo . The structure of the ceremony of kuhi seko consists of mendingin as the oppening. Paropatoh iyo iyo, iyo iyo dance and brencek are the content of the ceremony, while ico pake adat is the closing of the ceremony. People in Kerinci believe that kuhi seko ceremony has a purpose as an educational tool, a monitoring tool, a validation traditional institutions and entertainment. The inherintance of kuhi seko ceremony is a direct and an indirect inheritance. A direct inheritance is based on maternal lineage which contained in text of mendingin, where as an indirect inherintance enclosed in the text of iyo iyo dance and brencek.