ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami dan menganalisis pengaruh career management, training satisfaction, pay satisfaction terhadap turnover intention pada karyawan sektor perbankan. Sebanyak 265 responden yang bekerja pada Bank Umum ikut berpartisipasi, dengan.pengolahan data menggunakan metode structural equation modelling. Hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa secara langsung career management tidak berpengaruh terhadap turnover intention. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga membuktikan bahwa training satisfaction dapat mempengaruhi turnover intention melalui peran mediasi penuh organizational engagement. Penelitan ini juga menemukan bahwa organizational engagement memberikan peran mediasi sebagian pada hubungan antara pay satisfaction dan turnover intention. Maka, penelitian ini berhasil membuktikan pentingnya peran training satisfaction dan pay satisfaction dalam meningkatkan organizational engagement yang pada akhirnya dapat menekan turnover intention karyawan pada sektor perbankan. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa perusahaan yang memiliki manajemen karir yang baik belum tentu mendorong karyawan untuk tetap tinggal, fenomena war for talents merupakan salah satu pemicu karyawan tertarik untuk pindah. Sehingga perusahaan perlu merumuskan strategi karir manajemen untuk menumbuhkan rasa engagement karyawan, contohnya dengan fungsi coaching dan mentoring.
ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to understand and analyze the effects of career management, training satisfaction, pay satisfaction to employee turnover intention in the banking sector. A total of 265 respondents who work in the Commercial Bank participated, with structural equation modeling as data processing method. As a result, it was found that direct career management has no effect on turnover intention. Furthermore, this research also proves that training satisfaction can affect turnover intention through full mediating role of organizational engagement. This research also found that organizational engagement provides partial mediating role in the relationship between pay satisfaction and turnover intention. Thus, this study was able to prove the importance of the role of training satisfaction and pay satisfaction in improving organizational engagement, which in turn can reduce turnover intention of employees in the banking sector. The results of this study showed that companies that have a good career management can necessarily encourage employees to stay, the phenomenon of war for talents is one of the triggers of employees interested in moving. So the company needs to formulate good strategy of career management to nurture employee engagement, for example, with the function of coaching and mentoring.