Latar belakang: Acinetobacter baumannii Acb merupakan salah satu organisme penyebab infeksi neonatal di ruang rawat perinatologi. Kemampuan Acb menyebabkan resistensi antibiotik dan mampu mempertahankan diri dari desikasi serta desinfeksi berpotensi mengakibatkan kejadian luar biasa infeksi rumah sakit. Infeksi Acb terutama galur resisten dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan terapi, meningkatkan waktu dan biaya perawatan, serta angka mortalitas. Informasi mengenai Acb di Indonesia sangat terbatas.
Tujuan: 1 Mengetahui prevalens infeksi Acb. 2 Mengetahui karakteristik neonatus terinfeksi Acb. 3 Mengetahui pola sensitivitas dan resistensi Acb terhadap antibiotik 4 Mengetahui proporsi luaran neonatus terinfeksi Acb. 5 Mengetahui faktor risiko infeksi Acb pada neonatus di perawatan Unit Perinatologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo RSCM.
Metode: Penelitian kohort retrospektif dengan pengambilan data rekam medis pasien neonatus yang dirawat di Unit Perinatologi RSCM sejak 1 Januari 2012 hingga 30 Juni 2016 dengan diagnosis sepsis neonatal awitan lambat. Faktor- faktor yang dianggap berpengaruh dianalisis secara multivariat.
Hasil: Pada periode 1 Januari 2012-30 Juni 2016, didapatkan 540 subyek dengan diagnosis sepsis neonatal awitan lambat. Hampir seluruh subyek merupakan bayi prematur. Prevalens infeksi Acb didapatkan sebanyak 35,4 dengan infeksi Acb galur resisten sebanyak 94,8. Mortalitas akibat Acb adalah 65,4. Sensitivitas antibiotik paling baik yaitu polimiksin dan kolistin sebanyak 26,1 dan 20,6. Resistensi antibiotik paling tinggi ditemukan pada golongan sefalosporin 93 dan karbapenem 82 . Pada analisis multivariat didapatkan faktor risiko yang bermakna yaitu penggunaan karbapenem sebelum terinfeksi Acb p
Background Acinetobacter baumannii Acb attributes as pathogen for serious nosocomial infections in Neonatal units. The way it accumulates mechanisms of antimicrobial and desiccation resistance may cause nosocomial outbreaks. It represents a challenge as therapeutic options are limited and associated with an increased length of hospital stay and high mortality. Informations about Acb are not well established in Indonesia.
Aim 1 To determine the prevalence of Acb infection. 2 To described the clinical characteristics of acb infections. 3 To identify antimicrobial susceptibility of Acb. 4 To determine the mortality rate of Acb infection. 5 To determine the risk factors associated with Acb infection in Perinatology Unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
Method A retrospective, cohort study was conducted in Neonatal Unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital by reviewing medical records of neonates diagnosed as late onset sepsis from 1st January 2012 to 30th June 2016. Risk factors of infection were compared in multivariable analysis.
Result From 1st January 2012 to 30th June 2016, 540 cases of late onset sepsis were indentified. Preterm was noted in most cases. The prevalence of Acb infection were 35.4. Antibiotic resistant Acb was the most predominant strain accounting for 94.8 of cases of Acb infection. Overall mortality was 65.4. Isolates were resistant to cephalosporins 93 and carbapenems 82 , while susceptible to polymyxins 26.1 and colistin 20.6. Statistically significant risk factors were neonates exposed to carbapenems before infection odds ratio OR 1.989 p