Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Artikel Jurnal :: Kembali

Population status and habitat preferences of critically endangered dipterocarpus littoralis in west nusakambangan, indonesia

Iyan Robiansyah, Anthony John Davy (University of East Anglia, Norwich. School of Environmental Sciences, 2015)


The conservation of the endemic tree species Dipterocarpus littoralis (Bl.) Kurz. is hampered by the paucity of
information on its population biology and ecology. Consequently, a targeted survey was carried out in the West
Nusakambangan Nature Reserve to assess its population size and structure as well as habitat preferences. In total, 676
individuals of D. littoralis were located at 52 locations, with an extent of occurrence of 3.66 km2 and an area of
occupancy of 1.71 km2. The population had an inverse-J-shaped distribution of diameter at breast height (DBH), with
63% of individuals in the 0-5 cm class and another 21% in the 5-10 cm class; only 11 (1.6%) mature individuals
(DBH≥30) were found. D. littoralis was associated with steep, low, southwest-facing sites and sites that had high litter
cover and thickness. Illegal logging and fuel-wood chopping were the main threats to D. littoralis and its habitat. In
addition, an invasive shrub, Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia, Arecaceae), was a potential competitor with the seedlings
throughout the reserve. In view of its endemism, narrow range and localized distribution, small population,
environmental preferences, and the severe threats from anthropogenic activities and invasive species, D. littoralis
appears to more than justify its conservation status of Critically Endangered.
Status Populasi dan Preferensi Habitat Jenis Kritis Dipterocarpus Littoralis di Nusakambangan Barat,
Indonesia. Usaha konservasi jenis endemik Dipterocarpus littoralis (Bl.) Kurz. terhambat karena kurangnya informasi
mengenai biologi dan ekologi populasi tumbuhan ini. Oleh karena itu pada penelitian ini dilakukan survey terarah di
Cagar Alam Nusakambangan Barat untuk mengetahui struktur dan ukuran populasi serta preferensi habitat dari D.
littoralis. Total sebanyak 676 individu D. littoralis di temukan di 52 lokasi dengan tingkat keberadaan (extent of
occurrence) 3,66 km2 dan luas area yang ditempati (area of occupancy) 1,71 km2. Populasi D. littoralis memiliki
sebaran diameter batang setinggi dada (DBH) berbentuk huruf J terbalik dengan persentase individu dalam kelas DBH
0-5 cm sebesar 63%, kelas 5-10 cm sebesar 21% dan individu dewasa (DBH ≥30) hanya sebesar 1,6%. Keberadaan D.
littoralis berasosiasi dengan lokasi yang terjal, rendah, menghadap ke tenggara dan memiliki tutupan serta ketebalan
serasah yang tinggi. Penebangan dan pengambilan kayu bakar secara liar merupakan ancaman utama terhadap
keberadaan D. littoralis dan habitatnya. Selain itu, tumbuhan invasif Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia, Arecaceae) yang
tersebar di seluruh cagar alam merupakan saingan utama anakan D. littoralis. Karena bersifat endemik, area sebaran
yang sempit dan terlokalisasi, ukuran populasi yang kecil, preferensi terhadap habitat tertentu, dan ancaman yang serius
dari aktifitas manusia dan jenis invasif, maka D. littoralis memiliki dasar yang kuat untuk tetap dalam status konservasi
Kritis (Critically Endangered).


Jenis Koleksi : Artikel Jurnal
No. Panggil : J-Pdf
Entri utama-Nama orang :
Entri tambahan-Nama orang :
Subjek :
Penerbitan : Norwich: University of East Anglia, Norwich. School of Environmental Sciences, 2015
Sumber Pengatalogan : LibUI eng rda
ISSN : 23560851
Majalah/Jurnal : Makara Journal of Science
Volume : Vol 19, No 4 December 2015 150-160
Tipe Konten : text
Tipe Media : computer
Tipe Carrier : online resource
Akses Elektronik :
Institusi Pemilik : Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi :
  • Ketersediaan
  • Ulasan
  • Sampul
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