Perilaku kekerasan adalah respon kemarahan maladaptif dalam bentuk perilaku mencederai diri, orang lain dan lingkungan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan gambaran Pengaruh Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT). terhadap penurunan
perilaku kekerasan. Desain penelitian ini adalah quasi experimental pre-post test with control group. Sampel penelitian adalah
53 klien skizoprenia paranoid dengan perilaku kekerasan, terdiri atas 25 kelompok intervensi dan 28 orang kelompok kontrol.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan respon kognitif dan sosial serta penurunan respon emosi, perilaku, dan fisiologis
secara bermakna (p< 0,05) pada klien yang mendapatkan REBT. REBT direkomendasikan untuk diterapkan pada klien perilaku
kekerasan bersama dengan tindakan keperawatan generalis.
Violent behaviour is a maladaptive anger response, which is shown by people whom treated themselves, others and the
environment. The study aimed to explain the effect rational emotive behavioural therapy (REBT) in reducing violent behavioural.
This research design was quasi-experimental using pre-post tests with control group. The samples of this research were 53
clients with paranoid schizophrenia who showed violent behavior, consisted of 25 clients as intervention group and 28 clients
in control group. The Results showed significant increased cognitive as well as social responses and reduced emotional
behavioural and physiological responses (p< 0.05) on the group who get REBT. REBT is recommended to be given to clients
with violent behaviour together with general nursing inverventiont.