Brisk walking exercise merupakan salah satu bentuk moderate aerobic exercise yang direkomendasikan oleh ahli jantung di Amerika dan Eropa sebagai salah satu perubahan gaya hidup pasien hipertensi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh brisk walking exercise terhadap tekanan darah pasien hipertensi di Kudus. Penelitian dilakukan pada penderita hipertensi di unit rawat jalan dua rumah sakit di Kudus dengan metode penelitian eksperimen randomized control trial (RCT) dengan pendekatan pre dan post with control. Penelitian dilakukan pada 42 responden (21 responden kelompok kontrol dan 21 kelompok intervensi). Hasil uji paired t test perubahan tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik kelompok kontrol menunjukkan adanya nilai yang bermakna (p= 0,000 dan p= 0,026; α= 0,05). Untuk itu, perlu adanya penerapan brisk walking untuk penatalaksanaan hipertensi di rumah sakit maupun puskesmas (komunitas).
Reducing Blood Pressure on Hypertension Patient through Brisk Walking Exercise. Brisk walking exercise is one type of moderate aerobic exercise which is recommended by cardiologists in the United States and Europe as healthy lifestyles for hypertension?s patient. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of brisk walking exercise on blood pressure of patients with hypertensive in Kudus. A randomized control trial (RCT) with a computer software was used to determine the control group and intervention group. The study recruited 42 patients with hypertensive in the outpatient unit (each control and intervention group had 21 respondents) from two hospitals in Kudus. The results of paired t test showed significantly change in intervention group on their systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p; 0.000 and p; 0.026 α: 0.05). The brisk walking if the implementation for the management of patient with hypertension in a hospital or community.