Kontaminan timbal dapat memberikan efek negatif bagi kesehatan manusia. Kandungan timbal dalam darah ibu hamil dikhawatirkan akan berdampak buruk bagi janin. Di Kabupaten Bogor pada tahun 2014, BBLR berada diurutan pertama dari dua puluh satu pola penyakit kasus rawat inap di rumah sakit golongan umur 0 - < 1 tahun dengan kasus baru sebesar 1.801 jiwa (24, 45%). Desa Cinangka merupakan lokasi dari kegiatan peleburan aki bekas ilegal yang marak dilakukan sejak tahun 1978 dan telah terkonfirmasi sebagai sumber pencemaran timbal.
Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh timbal dalam darah ibu hamil terhadap berat badan lahir bayi. Dilaksanakan di Desa Cinangka, Kec.Ciampea, Kab.Bogor pada Januari - Juni 2016 dengan desain kohort prospektif terhadap 31 ibu hamil. Proporsi ibu hamil yang terpajan timbal melebihi dari batas aman yang ditetapkan oleh WHO, yaitu 10 μg/dl adalah sebesar 51.6%.
Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan hubungan yang sangat kuat antara kadar timbal dalam darah ibu dengan berat badan lahir bayi dan berpola negatif, artinya semakin tinggi kadar timbal dalam darah ibu, maka semakin rendah berat badan lahir bayi (r= -0,880) dengan nilai p < 0,001. Model akhir dari analisis multivariat diperoleh koefisien B untuk variabel kadar timbal sebesar -60.264. Artinya, Setiap kenaikan kadar timbal dalam darah ibu sebesar 1 μg/dl, maka berat badan lahir bayi akan turun sebesar 60,264 gram setelah dikontrol variabel umur, pendapatan, dan kadar hemoglobin. Diperlukan upaya mengurangi pajanan timbal dengan menghentikan kegiatan peleburan aki bekas yang masih beroperasi, memberi penyuluhan pada masyarakat tentang bahaya dan dampak pencemaran lingkungan khususnya timbal, dan melanjutkan program enkapsulisasi tanah tercemar timbal.
Lead contaminant may give negative impact for human health. Lead substance ina mother's blood feared would be bad for the health of fetus. In Bogor Regency in 2014, LBW was a number one out of twenty one disease patterns case of hospitalized patient aged 0 - < 1 years old with new case of 1.801 people (24.45%). Cinangka Village is a place for illegal smelting batteries since 1987, and it has been confirmed as lead-contamination source. This research aims to analyze the impact of lead in pregnant woman's blood towards the baby's birthweight. The research was conducted in Cinangka Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency in January - June 2016 using the prospective cohort design with 31 pregnant women as respondents. The proportion of pregnant women exposed to lead that exceeds the safe limit stipulated by the WHO, which is 10 μg/dl, is 51.6%. The bivariate analysis result indicates that there is indeed a strong relationship between blood lead level of the mothers' and the baby's birthweight,and it is inversely related: the higher the blood lead level of the mothers', the lower the baby's birthweight (r= -0,880) with value of p < 0,001. In the final model of multivariate analysis, it is discovered that the coefficient B for lead level variable is -60.264, which means that for each increase in the level of lead in the blood of mothers by 1 g / dl, the baby's birthweight will decrease by 60.264 grams after controlled by age, income, and hemoglobin concentration. Serious efforts need to be done to reduce the exposure to lead by stopping the smelting batteries activities, providing counseling for the people regarding the danger and impact of environmental pollution, particularly lead, and continuing the lead contaminated soil encapsulisation.