ABSTRAKDepresi merupakan salah satu gangguan psikologis yang terjadi pada ibu postpartum.Kejadian depresi postpartum Indonesia mencapai 20 dan di Provinsi Riau 15-20 ,angka tersebut harus ditekan menjadi 1 . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperolehmodel yang efektif dalam mencegah depresi postpartum. Penelitian ini terdiri daridua tahap yaitu tahap pengembangan model dan uji model. Hasil penelitian tahappengembangan model diperoleh 7 tema terkait pengalaman adaptasi ibu hamil dari9 partisipan. Model ini berupa intervensi edukasi yang diberikan kepada ibu hamildan suami yang terdiri dari 4 komponen yaitu edukasi untuk mengurangistimulus, meningkatkan koping, meningkatkan respons adaptasi yang efektif sertameningkatkan dukungan sosial suami dalam upaya mencegah terjadinya depresipostpartum. Penelitian uji model menggunakan desain quasi experiment pre-post testwith control group, dengan teknik consecutive sampling terhadap 108 responden.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Model Pencegahan Depresi Postpartm-Ratuefektif dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, respons adaptasi fisiologis, konsepdiri, fungsi peran, interdependen, dukungan sosial suami, serta menurunkan kejadiandepresi postpartum. Dukungan sosial suami merupakan satu-satunya variabel yangpaling berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kejadian depresi postpartum. Model inidiharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai upaya preventif dalam mencegah terjadinyadepresi postpartum. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan untuk dapat mengembangkanintervensi lain dalam upaya mencegah depresi postpartum.Kata kunci: ibu hamil, suami, depresi postpartum
ABSTRACTName Ratu KusumaStudent ID 1006753274Study Program Doctor of Nursing, Faculty of NursingUniversitas Indonesia.Title The Effectiveness of Ratu rsquo s Postpartum Depression PreventionModel towards the Prevention of Postpartum DepressionDepression is one of psychological disorders experienced among pregnant women.The incidence of postpartum depression in Indonesia reaches 20 and in Riau itselfreaches 15 20 , the particular number needs to be stresed to 1 . This study aims toobtain effective model in preventing postpartum depression. The study consisted intotwo phases, which were the development of the model and the trial itself. Theoutcome of the development of the model was seven themes related to the adaptiveexperiences of the pregnant women from nine participants. The model was aneducational intervention consisting of four main components which are education indecreasing stimulus, increasing coping, increasing effective response of adaptation, aswell as increasing social support of the husband in preventing the incidence ofpostpartum depression. The model was executed by quasi experiment pre post testwith control group design towards 108 respondents. The result showed that theRatu rsquo s Postpartum Depression Prevention Model was effective in increasingknowledge, attitude, behavior, physiological adaptation response, self concept, rolefunction, interdependent, and the social support of the husband, as well as loweringthe incidence of postpartum depression. The social support of the husband was themost signifiacnt variable towards the incidence of postpartum depression. This modelis expected to be used in preventing postpartum depression. In the future, theupcoming research is excpected to develop another intervention in preventing post partum depression.