Tujuan program intervensi ini untuk meningkatkan efikasi kolektif melalui peningkatan kohesi sosial kelompok tani di Desa Lemahabang, Karawang. Intervensi dilakukan menggunakan metode Appreciative Inquiry. Partisipan dalam intervensi ini sejumlah 24 orang petani yang tergabung dalam Gapoktan Sri Rejeki. Intervensi dilakukan selama dua hari pada 21-22 April 2017. Pengukuran dampak intervensi dilihat dari selisih nilai mean pada pre-test dan post-test melalui uji paired samples t test. Nilai mean pre-test kohesi sosial M=18,04, SD=2,386 dan nilai mean post-test M=20,42, SD=2,430 dengan signifikansi p.
The purpose of this intervention program is to increase collective efficacy through an increase of social cohesion from farmer groups in Desa Lemahabang, Karawang. This Intervention are using Appreciative Inquiry method. Participants in this intervention are 24 farmers who are the members of Gapoktan Sri Rejeki. Intervention was conducted for two days on April 21st 22nd 2017. Measurement of the impact of intervention is seen from the difference between mean values in pre test and post test through paired samples t test. The mean value of pre test social cohesion M 18.04, SD 2.386 and the mean post test M 20.42, SD 2,430 with significance p.