ABSTRAKPuskesmas dan Klinik yang merupakan gate keeper dalam memberikan pelayanan
klinis kepada masyarakat harus dapat menyediakan pelayanan klinis tingkat
pertama yang aman dan bermutu. Dengan kata lain, Puskesmas dan Klinik
merupakan ujung tombak dalam memberikan pelayanan kesehatan kepada
masyarakat. Prinsip penyelenggaraan Puskesmas yaitu pertenggungjawaban
kesehatan di daerah kerjanya membuat Puskesmas memiliki kewenangan untuk
mengkoordinir dan membina klinik yang berada di wilayah kerjanya. Namun, di
Kota Bandung, pelaksanaan pengawasan dan pembinaan klinik oleh Puskesmas
saat ini tidak seragam dikarenakan tidak adanya pedoman pelaksanaanya di
lapangan dan di tingkat Dinas Kesehatan pengelolaannya belum berjalan.
Dengan menerapkan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Prototyping,
penelitian ini bertujuan membangun prototype pengawasan dan pembinaan klinik
oleh Puskesmas. Tahapan penting yang dilalui adalah menyusun format standar
pengawasan, menetapkan standar klinik yang sesuai dengan pengawasan dan
pembinaan klinik oleh Puskesmas, dan menyusun informasi standar output.
Terdapat 73 parameter yang terbagi ke 10 jenis kategori pengawasan dan 6 jenis
keluaran yang dihasilakan oleh sistem ini yang salah satunya adalah klinik yang
sesuai dengan standar pengawasan dan pembinaan Puskesmas. Teknologi
internet, berupa prototype berbasis Web, yang memiliki keunggulan memangkas
jarak dan waktu dapat menjadi solusi bersama. Tujuannya, selain keunggulan
diatas, situs Web mampu berkomunikasi, melakukan jasa, mengumpulkan
informasi dari penguna dan berbagi basis data dengan pihak-pihak yang telah
ditentukan sebelumnya. Kebijakan yang mendukung pengembangan sistem
informasi ini dapat dilakukan pada perumusan pedoman pelaksanaan kegiatan
pengawasan dan pembinaan klinik oleh Puskesmas dengan mengundang lebih
banyak pihak seperti oraganisasi profesi dan ASKLIN.
ABSTRACTPuskesmas and Clinics, the gatekeepers of social health services, as spearheads in
providing first communal health services, always have to be on the top of their
roles, giving the community their basic health services. Puskesmas as a senior
partner, has the authority to nurture, coordinate, and to monitor its subordinate
Clinics in order to implement their portion of health responsibility roles in the
community. However, in the City of Bandung, the implementation of monitoring
and supervising clinic by Puskesmas is not in the same shape over one another
due unavaliable of implementation guidance in the field. The management of this
activity at The District Health Office level has not been enabled yet. However, in
the city of Bandung, the implementations of Puskesmas and Clinics monitoring supervising
activities differ one from another, due to the absence of a thorough
implementation guideline that can act as a Puskesmas-Clinic uniformed.
Meanwhile, at the District Health Office level, such guidance or system are also
yet to be invented, controlled nor managed systematically. This research objective
is to build a monitoring sytem prototype in which to help Puskesmas effectively
performs one of its functions and intended roles in the community, which are to
monitor and to supervise its subordinate Clinics. The system suitable to perform
in this environment is called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Important steps are arrange the standard format of supervision,
establishing clinic standards monitoring and supervision of clinic by the
Puskesmas, and the preparation of standard output information. The important
steps are therefore broke down into three main stages. The first stage is to arrange
the standard form for supervision, to be followed by establishing clinical standard
for monitoring and supervising Clinics by the Puskesmas, and the third stage is to
arrange the information standard output. The SLDC is going to generate seventy
three parameters, which are then divided into ten different supervisory catagories
and six different type of outputs. One of the outputs is going to produce a Clinic
that complies with Monitoring and Supervision Standards of Puskesmas. Webbased
data, supported by lightning fast internet connection that shaves time and
distance, can be offered as solution to become the backbone of SLDC.
Furthermore, web-based technology is projected to have the ability to
communicate, to provide services, to collect information from users, and even to
be able to share data to many different type of pre-selected individuals or
institutions. The governing policies which will support the development of this
information system can be proposed and formulated by Puskesmas under the
Clinical Supervision and Monitoring Guidelines, with the help of other
professional associates such as from ASKLIN or other professional institutions.