ABSTRAKSistem angka kredit dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes yang berjalan saat ini belum
dapat menjawab solusi permasalahan tentang monitoring dan pengusulan angka
kredit dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan
sistem informasi monitoring angka kredit dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes untuk
mengetahui sejak dini permasalahan pemenuhan angka kredit dosen maupun yang
telah memenuhi angka kreditnya.
Pengembangan sistem informasi monitoring angka kredit dosen Poltekkes
Kemenkes mengikuti alur siklus hidup pengembangan sistem (SDLC), yaitu
perencanaan,analisis, desain dan implementasi. Metodologi yang digunakan
adalah Rapid Application Development (RAD) dengan pendekatan prototyping.
Penelitian ini menghasilkan proptotype sistem informasi monitoring angka kredit
dosen Poltekkes Kemenkes dengan berbasis web. Sistem ini mempermudah dosen
Poltekkes dalam memantau perolehan angka kredit dan usulan penetapan angka
kredit dosen.
Implementasi sistem dapat dilakukan di Badan PPSDM Kesehatan selaku
pembina jabatan fungsional dosen berupa dukungan dana, infrastruktur dan SDM
yang telah tersedia. Namun demikian diperlukan komitmen dari dosen selaku
pengguna sistem untuk menggunakan sistem ini secara berkelanjutan dan tentunya
kebijakan dari Badan PPSDM Kesehatan untuk membuat regulasi atau mandatory
terkait sistem ini. Disamping itu pula perlu adanya sosialisasi ke Poltekkes
Kemenkes khususnya dosen yang berinteraksi langsung ke sistem.
ABSTRACTInformation system of credit score for lecturers of Polytechnic of Health Ministry
of Health currently running can not answer the solution on monitoring and
propose for establish lecturers credit score. This study aims to develop
information system monitoring credit score for lecturers Polytecnich of Health
Ministry of Health, which can know early on problems of credit score lecturers
fulfillment and who have fulfilled the credit score for career development and
quality development of Polytecnich of Health Ministry of Health.
Development of information system monitoring credit score for lecturer Credit
Score for Lecturers Polytecnich of Health Ministry of Health follow the flow of
system development life cycle (SDLC), planning, analysis, design and
implementation. The methodology used is Rapid Application Development (RAD)
with a prototype approach.
This research produces proptotype information system monitoring credit score for
lecturers Polytecnich of Health Ministry of Health with web-based. This system
facilitates lecturers Poltekkes in monitoring the acquisition of credit numbers and
the proposed determination of lecturer credit score.
Implementation of the system can be done at the Agency (BPPSDMK) as the
builder of functional lecturer in the form of funding support, infrastructure and
human resources that have been available. However, it requires commitment from
the lecturer as the system user to use this system in a sustainable manner and of
course the policy from the Agency (BPPSDMK) to make regulation or mandatory
related to this system. Besides, it is also necessary to socialize to Polytecnich of
Health Ministry of Health especially lecturers who interact directly to the system.