ABSTRAKDunia industri erat dengan kegiatan proses produksi yang berhubungan dengan mesin dan ruangan kerja yang menghasilkan panas. Pajanan terhadap pekerja yang terus berlanjut, akan mengakibatkan penurunan produktifitas kerjadan terjadi peningkatan resiko gangguan kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh tekanan panas terhadap kondisi fisiologis dan psikologis pada pekerja di PT. XYZ tahun 2017. PT. XYZ bergerak di bidang pertambangan emas bawah tanah. Respon fisiologis pekerja PT. XYZ terhadap tekanan panas dilihat berdasarkan adanya peningkatan suhu, denyut nadi dan perubahan nilai berat jenis urin dan respon psikologis pekerja dilihat dari keluhan subyektif yang muncul. Hasil pengukuran indeks tekanan panas diketahui sebanyak 62 responden 73.8 mengalami tekanan panas dan sisanya sebanyak 22 responden 26.2 tidak mengalami tekanan panas. Hasil uji statistik chi-square dengan p value>0,05 diketahui tekanan panas tidak memiliki hubungan yang bermakna dengan peningkatan suhu tubuh (p=0,785), peningkatan denyut nadi (p=0.867), statushidrasi (p=0.280) dan keluhan subyektif (p=0.221).
ABSTRACTThe industrial world is closely linked to the production-related manufacturing processes associated with heat-generating machines and workspaces. Continuous exposure of heat stress to workers will lead to decrease
in work productivity and increased risk of heat related illness. This study aims to analyze the effect of heat stress on physiological and psychological conditions on PT. XYZ worker's in 2017. PT. XYZ is engaged in
underground gold mining. The physiological response of PT. XYZ workers to heat stress is seen based on body temperature increase, pulse rate and urine gravity
change. Psychological response of workers seen from subjective complaints that arise. The result of heat stress index measurement is known as 62 respondents
(73.8%) suffering heat pressure and the remaining 22 respondents (26.2%) did not suffering heat pressure. The result of chi-square statistic test with p value> 0,05
known that hot pressure has no significant correlation with increase of body temperature (p=0,785), increase of pulse rate (p=0,867), hydration status (p=0,280) and subjective complaint (P=0.221).