ABSTRAKLatar belakang dan tujuan: Penggunaan ultrasonografi USG pada penderita sindrom terowongan karpal STK telah banyak dilakukan, tetapi belum diketahui nilai normal luas penampang lintang nervus medianus pada populasi Indonesia.Metode: Penelitian menggunakan desain potong lintang komparatif menggunakan data primer. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Februari sampai Maret 2017. total sampel 40 orang, 20 orang masing-masing kelompok subjek normal dan STK. Subjek normal dan STK yang telah terbukti melalui pemeriksaan konduksi hantaran saraf KHS , dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan USG pada level proksimal inlet. Dilakukan evaluasi pengukuran luas penampang lintang nervus medianus dan dibandingkan antara kedua subjek.Hasil: Nilai rata- rata luas penampang lintang nervus medianus proksimal inlet pada subjek normal 8,3 mm2 SD /- 1,4 , sedangkan populasi STK 15,4 mm2 SD /- 4,4 . Kurva receiver operating characteristics ROC memperlihatkan titik potong 10,6 mm2 dengan sensitivitas 95 dan spesifisitas 95 p
ABSTRACTBackground and purpose The use of ultrasound US in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome CTS has been done, but not yet known the normal value of cross sectional area of the median nerve in the Indonesian population.Methods The study used a comparative cross sectional design using primary data. The study was conducted from February to March 2017. a total sample of 40 people, 20 individuals in each normal and CTS subject group. Normal and CTS proven subjects through nerve conduction studies NCS , followed by US examination at the inlet proximal level. We evaluated the measurements of the cross sectional area of the median nerve and compared between the two subjects.Result The mean value of the cross sectional area of the proximal inlet nodes in the normal subjects is 8.3 mm2 SD 1.4 and the CTS population 15.4 mm2 SD 4.4 . The receiver operating characteristics ROC curve shows cutting point 10.6 mm2 with a sensitivity of 95 and a specificity of 95 p